Is it bad that I weigh myself everyday?

On the site it says to weigh in weekly.

I can't do that. I can't wait that long to see if my efforts are paying off.

I've been weighing in every night (and yes, I know mornings are better). When my weight fluctuates up, I try harder the next day. When my weight drops a little, I am inspired to keep up my new habits.

Is the site right? Should I only weigh in once a week? Or is it okay to weigh in daily?

What are your thoughts and what do you do?


  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    id say so because results are not instant they take time the more you weigh yourself the more frustrated you can become by not dropping a pound every time
  • maizeysugah
    I weigh myself every day, in the morning. I don't see anything wrong with it. I'd rather know I'm on a stall than wait a week and not see any change. I'm just not that patient! Good luck on your weight loss :smile:
  • my1focus
    my1focus Posts: 62 Member
    i'm totally guilty of this too!! i feel like that's how i get an idea on what meals work for me and what meals are SO not good for me. when it didn't change or went down even a smidgen i feel totally good about myself. but if it went up...i know i need to avoid another day that i had the day prior.
  • sharkweek
    sharkweek Posts: 165 Member
    Just about everyone I know advises weighing in weekly. Your body naturally fluctuates from day to day, and staring at a number every morning can make you crazy drawing inferences that aren't actually true -- e.g. "I ate 1200 calories instead of 1400 and now I'm down a pound! 1200 cals is my new goal every day!" when really, the fact that you drank less water than you normally do had more to do with it.

    But, that said, I weigh every day religiously. I can't break the habit, and when I stop weighing myself, I pay less attention to what I eat. It's a willpower thing for me. Knowing that I'll have to look at the number tomorrow makes me more conscious of my choices today.
  • ITcrackerjack
    ITcrackerjack Posts: 3 Member
    My digital scale is not sensitive enough to show much daily fluctuation. It only has .5 lb increments. i usually do twice a week weigh-ins.
  • wjniii
    wjniii Posts: 110 Member
    Sounds like you are using your daily weigh-ins in a positive way so go for it! Just don't get discouraged if you go up. I weigh myself every morning. If I'm down, I pat myself on the back. If I'm up I use that as a motivator to eat well that day.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    No, I weigh in daily. I only record the weight if there is a steady loss. I don't record the weight if it goes up a bit more from the norm.. it's like a science experiment.
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    People advise weekly, but I do it daily too.
  • DatNative21
    DatNative21 Posts: 42 Member
    id say so because results are not instant they take time the more you weigh yourself the more frustrated you can become by not dropping a pound every time
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    depends on your reaction to the normal weight fluctuations that happen to EVERYBODY
  • Juashmom
    I weigh in every day sometimes twice a day...first thing in the am and in the evening LOL...I know thats bad but I do get a thrill when I see a slight drop
  • PoliticalRN
    PoliticalRN Posts: 112 Member
    I weigh myself everyday and it's worked out fine. I can tell if it's water weight or real weight by looking at my food log! My scale also shows fat%, water % and bone density so I like to see what those are. The reason why they say not to weigh yourself daily is because of regular water fluctuations and some people may become discouraged if they see a small gain and they stop dieting. If you know this is the case then you should be okay.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I'm also a daily weigher who's in maintenance. I'm okay with the daily fluctuations - it doesn't hurt my mood if it goes up; it's just data.
  • anndelaney67
    anndelaney67 Posts: 35 Member
    i think most people are guilty of weighing themselves every day,i do but i pick a day and time and thats my weekly weigh in 4 what i would write down good luck on your weight loss :smile:
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    I weigh everyday. This works for some it doesn't work for others. You need to do what works for you. Some people will advise you to throw out the scale. Measure progress by measurements, pictures, and how your clothes fit. That doesn't work for me. The scale isn't the only number. Body fat is probably a better indicator especially if your exercising but its harder to get.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    If you can keep your emotions out of it, weighing daily can help keep you on track. I weigh daily and it doesn't bother me to see fluctuations at all.
  • Pheeia666
    I use to weight myself everyday... but it wasn't helping because weight goes up and down and if I weighed more than yesterday I'd get depressed because all my efforts were not paying off so then I'd give up. Just one big horrible cycle, very quickly I gave up that up and now only weigh in once a week in the morning on a Monday. But everyone is different and you do what is best for you :)
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I weigh myself almost every day, I had no problems
  • sblake204
    sblake204 Posts: 458 Member
    I get confused with this as well. I've heard that u should weigh yourself weekly as well bc of the changes in water weight, especially if you're female. Then I've seen bodybuilders weigh themselves everyday just about to see what diet or cardio works or doesn't. I say if it motivates u keep doing it, but like others have said don't get discouraged if u don't see the numbers u like. If u can't weigh yourself in the AM, try doing it before and after hard cardio. That will help u determine how much of it is possibly water.

    Good luck!!!
  • sean_d33
    sean_d33 Posts: 40 Member
    I would stick to once a week. I tried everyday a couple times and it just leads to frustration after you have a good day. It has helped my consistency and I have been much more positive since I switched to once a week.