I'm SO Hungry!

ambee0803 Posts: 89 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
What do you guys do when you're bored and have the munchies? I always used to eat cereal or cookies or something when I was bored. Ive been doing good. It seems like everythign in the kitchen is screaming my name now!


  • Hope I replied in time before it was too late!!! ;o)

    I get on here...look at forums...thats always motivating.
    Do some cleaning
    Read a book
    Make a lpersonal ist of alternatives you can do rather than eat

    I hope I can help a little bit!

    Nights are the worst for me too, I understand.

    Just think of the feeling you have when you wake up in the morning when you've maintained all your calories, etc.... think about that. And think of how you feel when you wake up in the morning and you've gone over your calories. Never a good feeling.

    And, if you have to eat.... salad...egg whites...a peice of fruit...a yogurt...depends on how many calories you have left.
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    there is a fine line between boredom and hunger. you need to figure out which it is and deal accordingly. Drink a glass of water. are you still hungry. Go do something to keep you busy for half an hour. during that time, do you still feel pangs of hunger?

    if you are legitimately hungry, have a small snack. if not, and you keep thinking of food, go to bed.
  • Sometimes making a cup of tea helps! I would suggest some kind of mint tea; helps supress the appetite. :)
  • Fruit or A large Cucumber with lemon - find that the citrus flavor really settles my hunger.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I like laughing cow cheese, or skinny cow ice cream, or carrots, or celery (either with salsa, weird, but yummm:happy: ). All low cal. If I have a few more calories to eat, I'll do a caramel rice cake with some Dark Chocolate Dreams peanut butter:love:

    :drinker: Here's to smart choices!:flowerforyou:
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    definitely agreeing. make sure that you aren't just bored, and if you are actually hungry, EAT SOMETHING! we get hungry, and it's not a good thing for your body to starve haha. otherwise, i saw a suggestion about making a list of things you can do. just making that list will keep your mind off of it for a bit! i usually go to my bedroom because it's the farthest from the kitchen. i go on forums or i write or watch a movie online, try to get something to capture my attention. i also think about how great i feel when i don't go over my calories! good luck!
  • Chew gum or a hot cup of tea with splenda... an apple, V8, or cereal is ok with moderation... something with protein and fiber to keep you full. Also, DRINK WATER! It seriously keeps you full. I find when I get the munchies, I usually haven't been drinking my water.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    if you are legitimately hungry, have a small snack. if not, and you keep thinking of food, go to bed.

    i will totally go to bed if it is late and i have the munchies! i'd rather catch up on sleep (especially with my new workout routine) than eat cheese puffs!
  • Johnsothin
    Johnsothin Posts: 1 Member
    Look when you have to eat just eat. Make sure it is something low cal. though. Nothing ruins a diet like high calorie snacks. I have grown to love Diet Coke, Coke Zero and Pepsi Max to help with hunger.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I wish I would have read this earlier :( I chose to snack and went over my goal by 3 calories. Now that I'm working out I find myself feeling hungry more.
  • jrr7
    jrr7 Posts: 12 Member
    I work a third shift desk job and I am the only one in the office, so I completely understand the boredom munchies and I can't just go to bed. I have found one of my secret weapons to be puffed wheat. It is only 60 calories for 1 1/2 cups and when you eat it dry it can last for a long time. Also, don't beat yourself up if you go over your goal by a few calories here or there. If you are a LITTLE flexible and learn to listen to your body you will stick to your diet a lot longer and keep the weight off a lot better too.
  • If you can, go for a walk or do some exercise at home. It helps me! Instead of adding calories, I subtract them.
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    i'm a big fan of diet soda too. although it can bloat you, it's always better than regular soda and as long as you are drinking lots of water, exercising and drinking the diet soda in moderation, it should be fine. it's really great for making you feel full, and i like the stingy taste of pop, so it's like i'm eating something tasty aha.
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