BEST workout videos?



  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    ^sherri... Kettlebells are great. Remember that form is extra important when swing the weight so practice practice practice! I usually practice new moves with a lightweight bell before moving up to my regular weight.

    AWESOME! Thanks so much! :)
  • oukils
    oukils Posts: 20
    I really like pulling up zumba videos on you tube. I set up the lap top or ipad and follow along. As long as I am moving is all that counts right? I ordered the insanity....well its just insane! It takes alot of impact on my knees. After maybe I lose more weight I will benefit from it. Zumba gave me the energy. I also like the cardio kickboxing on demand. I don't want to buy anymore videos until I utilize what I already have :)
  • kenziestx
    I'm doing the 30 Day Shred right now and I really like it. I'm only on day 6 and I can tell that I am losing inches. YAY! As far as others that I have done, I really like the Carmen Electra Strip Aerobics DVD set. It's different than everything else, fun and still gives you a good workout. I do Wii Zumba and that's also fun. I bought the Tae Bo videos about 15 years ago and could never keep up, so they are just sitting around, but I am going to give them another shot this year. It just boils down to finding something that you will do everyday or 5 days a week or whatever your goal is. Good luck!
  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    I like the 30-Day Shred with JM and Kelly Coffey DVD's I can really tell they are making a difference!
  • MrsAnderson_GettingHealthy
    I'm sorry if I made it unclear that I do plan on changing my eating habits as well. I will be not on a "diet" but, a lifestyle change of eating. I need to learn portion control and when to stop eating in order to not over eat.

    I plan on doing some workouts that will get me off of my butt and a little bit more active before doing the hardcore intermediate workouts! Thanks so much for all of the replies, everyone.

    I don't have enough money for a gym membership and they are ridiculously priced where I live. I am going to be a new mom and I will need to be home as much as possible when I'm not working. I think that DVD's are a good route for me to go at this point rather than a membership although, someday, I hope to be able to hop on a machine also!

    Thanks for all of the replies. I think from all of the reviews, suggestions and success stories on these videos, I plan on getting "Insanity" and the "30 day shred" videos. It seems like I will have the best of luck with these and I think they sound like great starter videos! Thanks again for all of the replies. This post will be helpful for me to be able to turn back to as soon as I decide to start on more videos! Thanks again!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    For the price of those DVDs you can get some nice home equipment that will let you put your own killer workouts together on your own time. That's what I do. My workouts using affordable basic home equipment put those DVDs to shame. Plus if you want to earn your fitness you owe it to yourself to actually learn how all this work's and not play Simon Says with some hack on a TV s teen.