Party Food what to go for

Well on saturday I have a friends 30th birthday party its a family event so will have my 3 kids with me so the drinking side is a no go so im not worried about that, What im worried about is the food, I havent been to a buffet party since starting to loose weight now im only 4 weeks in so not lost much yet but I realy dont want to spoil it.

What would you all go for on the buffet ?


  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    When you say buffet, do you mean like a restaurant buffet or an at home buffet? If it's a restaurant, a lot of people advise only filling up your plate one time instead of going back for seconds, and filling up half of your plate with vegetables. It's usually a good idea to stay away from fried foods and noodle dishes.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    it's hard to tell you what to go for when we don't know what the options will be.

    what i can give you is some generic advice.

    -have a light meal before you get there so you're not hungry. UNLESS it's going to be a sit-down-and-eat thing where you're there for a meal.
    -don't stand by the food - you'll graze without thinking about it
    -always have a drink of water at hand, so that when you're watching other people eating, you have something in your hand - you'll subconsciously want to join in!
    -don't be too disappointed in yourself if you give in. if you do, just resolve to give in A LITTLE, make sure you're breaking your diet for something you really love, not some lame party pie, enjoy what you eat and move on!
    -do not think that because you've had a little bit of something you shouldn't have you have a free pass to eat whatever you like all night!
    -enjoy yourself. the sun will come up again the next day.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Its a home style Buffet, they have hired a hall and are doing there own food so I realy dont know whats going to be on till I get there im hoping there will be some salad at leste I can fill up on that.

    But Im realy not clued up on low calorie buffet food.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    it's hard to tell you what to go for when we don't know what the options will be.

    what i can give you is some generic advice.

    -have a light meal before you get there so you're not hungry. UNLESS it's going to be a sit-down-and-eat thing where you're there for a meal.
    -don't stand by the food - you'll graze without thinking about it
    -always have a drink of water at hand, so that when you're watching other people eating, you have something in your hand - you'll subconsciously want to join in!
    -don't be too disappointed in yourself if you give in. if you do, just resolve to give in A LITTLE, make sure you're breaking your diet for something you really love, not some lame party pie, enjoy what you eat and move on!
    -do not think that because you've had a little bit of something you shouldn't have you have a free pass to eat whatever you like all night!
    -enjoy yourself. the sun will come up again the next day.

    Thanks thats fab advice
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    But Im realy not clued up on low calorie buffet food.

    they're similar to low calorie normal foods :)

    look for things with recognisable vegetables, avoid things that have sauces or dressings, look for plain meats. often, the easiest way to cut calories at a sit down buffet is avoid the urge to go back for seconds!

    but make sure you get a proper-sized meal to begin with. if you take three lettuce leaves and half a cherry tomato you'll sit there thinking about the lovely things everyone else is eating. take enough to leave you satisfied, but not stuffed.
  • cajohn
    i would stay away from anything that looks like it has flour in it.
    if there are sandwiches eat the inside only,
    meat pies same inside only
    sausage rolls same
    eat chicken or fish or meat
    no desert.
  • cajohn
    as soon as you have that whole sandwich , you will find yourself going for more.If you don't have the bread you won't bother.
    Wheat is addictive. Fattening.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    -have a light meal before you get there so you're not hungry. UNLESS it's going to be a sit-down-and-eat thing where you're there for a meal.

    -always have a drink of water at hand, so that when you're watching other people eating, you have something in your hand - you'll subconsciously want to join in!

    -don't be too disappointed in yourself if you give in. if you do, just resolve to give in A LITTLE

    all good advice. :smile:
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks everyone realy think ill go for the small meal before I go so I dont snack there, Iv always been very bad at picking at food.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    when u get there take a side plate and dish up a few snacks (chicken skewers etc.. ) and if u want a brownie have a brownie! the problem arises when u pick and pick the whole night
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    it's hard to tell you what to go for when we don't know what the options will be.

    what i can give you is some generic advice.

    -have a light meal before you get there so you're not hungry. UNLESS it's going to be a sit-down-and-eat thing where you're there for a meal.
    -don't stand by the food - you'll graze without thinking about it
    -always have a drink of water at hand, so that when you're watching other people eating, you have something in your hand - you'll subconsciously want to join in!
    -don't be too disappointed in yourself if you give in. if you do, just resolve to give in A LITTLE, make sure you're breaking your diet for something you really love, not some lame party pie, enjoy what you eat and move on!
    -do not think that because you've had a little bit of something you shouldn't have you have a free pass to eat whatever you like all night!
    -enjoy yourself. the sun will come up again the next day.
    This is great advice.
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Drink lots of water before you go there to give you a fuller feeling. Agree about the bread, eat the inside of sandwiches only if you can. If there is a plate of raw vegetables like radish, celery etc go for that. Again, go for the proteins. One tsp of dressing to help make it more interesting wont kill you, it is just one day. Enjoy the party!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Just stay away from the Rotel dip! :laugh:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Avoid the snacks, unless they have a veggie tray. Go easy on the dip.
    Eat mostly meat and veggies like someone else said.
    And yes just one plate, no seconds.

    I personally would also try just a small bit of other things I want to try, just a spoonful. That way you can honestly answer awkward questions, like "did you try so and so's macaroni salad? You have to try it it's awesome" without having to lie or explain why you didn't have any and get into the whole weight loss conversation and all that comes with that. I'm in the "it's just one day" camp and figure you have to learn how to fit normal life into your new lifestyle too.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    as much shrimp cocktail as you can handle =]
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Love shrimp cocktail lol, and thanks everyone gives me loads of ideas, I know this is a lifestyle change for me and partys happen so need to know how to handle it, Suppose its my own falt for starting so near christmas haha.

    I thought if I can loose weight now I can do it any time of the year.
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    Just what you want just small portions and don't linger around the food where you might be tempted to just grab stuff and eat while you are chatting.