I need hair help. Seriously.

JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
So, I just got a haircut that I'm not happy with. At all. I got it for free, so I maybe shouldn't complain, but I'm not okay with it. At all.

Basically, I have about 1 inch of hair growth left on the back of my head, and the rest of my hair looks like Titanic-era Leonardo DiCaprio.

I don't have much hair to work with. Does anybody out there have some helpful style suggestions? Please, and thanks.


  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Shave it all off and start over. Get some hats.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    There's a possibility I might be interviewing for a grad school position in the coming 2-3 months. My hair grows fast- it doesn't grow that fast.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Go to the vitamin section and get some Biotin. It will aid in thickening and encourage faster growth. Will do the same thing to your nails.
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    Get some of the hair skin and nail vitamins and take those. Also, use the deep scalp conditioners. This will help it to grow not super fast, but faster than usual. Also, go to a hairstylist and pay for a cut. Anne Hathaway looks cute with her really short do. It will be much more flattering than a leo dicaprio cut.
  • msgabismit
    There's a possibility I might be interviewing for a grad school position in the coming 2-3 months. My hair grows fast- it doesn't grow that fast.

    Biotin, and wig maybe for the interview?
  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    Ive done this. When i saw myself in the mirror i cried and asked for some alcohol, immediatley! i found that bed Head makes some great styling products for short hair. Just get some of their texturing paste, rub it in and go. The messy look is ALWAYS super cute!
  • tripn404
    tripn404 Posts: 109 Member
    go to a real hair stylest and get your money's worth out of a STYLE and tell her she needs to explain to you exactly how to fix it ... other than that your hair is what it is and time is your only friend to get rid of it
  • cainie19
    cainie19 Posts: 126
    slick it all back like emma watson does with her new short hair - its GORGEOUS !! if i could add a photo i would............. please do see google ;D
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    My hair is already obnoxiously thick. If it grows in any thicker, it might take on a life of its own and terrorize a small town.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    There's a possibility I might be interviewing for a grad school position in the coming 2-3 months. My hair grows fast- it doesn't grow that fast.

    Hats... lots of hats. 2 -3 months your hair should be grown out enough to do more with it.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    Can U load a pic so we can see exactly what you're talkin bout..?
  • 05saleengirl
    Biotin gave me acne. I have used an love Country Maxi hair vitamins. I get them off amazon for $11.00 they have biotin in them but also have MSM in th which helps my hair growth an silica too. I've noticed accelerated growth from taking bamboo caps because bamboo is a form of silica.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    go to a real hair stylest and get your money's worth out of a STYLE and tell her she needs to explain to you exactly how to fix it ... other than that your hair is what it is and time is your only friend to get rid of it

  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    Appearex. It's like Biotin on steroids.
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    I would say go to a salon you trust and ask them for help.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Hair? What is this? I don't understand...
  • polkadot_45
    polkadot_45 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also interviewing for jobs right now so I now how important it is to your self esteem to look good. Is it too short to get extensions? If your not happy with the length, that is a temporary quick fix. It might just be a shock if your used to your hair being a certain length, you may just need time to adjust. You can also check out pintrest, they usually have styling tips, se link and good luck with your interview!

  • leo02098
    leo02098 Posts: 106 Member
    Without really seeing what the cut looks like, I think it's hard to give any advice on how to style it right now. But the advice that's been given about the biotin and investing in some cute hats is really the best thing at this point...
    It's tough having a bad hair cut, been there. If you can find a reputible stylist, definately make an appointment and see what he/she can do for you. If they're really good, they'll line up future appointments with you to help the process as it grows out so you don't end up with a bad grow out (which can be as nasty as the bad hair cut that started it all).
    Good luck!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Take a pic and let me see what it looks like, then I can help you work with it, front and back if you can.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    You could go for hair extensions. That way you'd have your hair at something longer till it grows out. The other option, go ask for a Master stylist and tell her what happened. Ask her to create a short haircut that will grow out looking nice. If you pay for the more experienced stylist you'll get the help you need. Call the salon and indicate you need someone REALLY experienced to take care of a disaster of a cut and the person must be creative and experienced.
