The Cost of Weight Loss

Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
This is my second time losing weight and luckily I still have most of my "skinny" clothes from before I regained some of my weight. I don't have much money to replace my fat clothes with skinny clothes. So I was wondering...

As you are losing weight (especially those of you who are losing a lot), what do you do about new clothes? If you lose a lot of weight, you have a replace a whole wardrobe because nothing will fit anymore. How do you do this? Thrift stores? Sales? Or do you just treat yourself to a whole new wardrobe?

Also, none of my rings fit anymore except for my high school ring and my engagement ring. I actually lost one of my favorite rings because it fell off at some point and I didn't notice. I don't have many expensive rings to worry about, but does any one else have this problem? What do you do about it?


  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I kept some of my favorite clothing items from before I gained the weight. They are in a bin in the garage so every few more pounds lost I go try them on and have been able to fit back into a bunch of things. Mind you, a lot of it was outdated styles now, or don't fit in the bust (because those aren't shrinking) so I do hit up sales, and my friends and I also exchange clothes. But yes, it is expensive!

    Other ways getting fit has created costs is needing the right gear, like proper running shoes, waterproof running jacket etc.

    I am on a tight budget, but it is worth it to me!
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    My rings are loose right now - but I think it's because it's December and it's cold out, so my fingers are naturally just smaller. When I started out losing weight I was a size 8 and I went down to a 4 - so I don't think that should have much affect on my fingers? My hands were tiny to begin with (my wedding ring is a size 4.75 or 4.25 - I can't remember).

    For real though... I hear ya on the clothes. My tits are legit so most of my tops still fit me well, or even better than before. But pants have been a nightmare. Unfortunately I just bit the bullet and splurged and I'm paying the price for it now with Christmas coming up, lol. But I needed pants, man. I bought myself three pairs of jeans, a pair of skinny cords, and a pair of colored skinny jeans. I also bought a pair of slacks for work - but had to wait two weeks to wear them so I could get them hemmed. It was awful. I waited until I'd lost most of my weight to buy these clothes (at the moment I have two to three pounds left) and the past month... has been... embarrassing with the work slacks. Wearing pants two sizes too big doesn't look good on anyone, lol. Jeans I could get away with because like with jeans, you throw 'em in the dryer, and while they might be looser they still look okay. The black dress pants were a nightmare.

    In hindsight, I would have maybe saved up some money slowly over time to have to spend on new clothes. Some people like to do the "pay yourself" when you workout system. Like every time you work out, toss like a buck or five into a jar and use that money to buy yourself clothes. I've never been on a weight loss journey before so I really had no idea.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    im going to take my sisters old stuff- she was a size 14- the size below what i am at the minute, and she has lost a pile of weight, so im going to take all her old clothes that dont fit anymore :)
  • jaclyndanette
    I've been up and down with weight for years, and I find that shirts are rather forgiving - I dont wear skin tight clothes normally, so a little baggy here and there isn't too big of a deal for me. I wear my pants as long as I can and I have a variety of sizes in my closet. I also found that skirts or dresses are very forgiving in the spring/summer - you can usually fit into them if you're up or down a few sizes. If non of that works, I'd say a nice reward would be to treat yourself to a few nice, new things. You can find jeans for rather inexpensive at Old Navy and such, and I find a lot of my tops at Target which is rather reasonable as well. Hope this helps!
  • AndiNorwich
    Go to the ritziest part of your town and hit up the resale shops/charity shops (i.e. Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc). Not only will you find super name brand clothing that at times are barely worn (and for yard sale prices), you are also doing the world a favor by being GREEN by buying gently used items. It's a win win win (easy on the pocketbook, can find some deals, and Being Green by recycling). :)
  • BeDawn
    BeDawn Posts: 56 Member
    As I go down in size, I allow myself 4 pairs of pants and 6 shirts. I wear my big clothes until they look bad, then I donate them. I started as an 18, when I lost enough weight, I bought 4 pair of size 16 pants, but my shirts still looked okay so I waited. I buy whatever I can afford at the time. The 16's were from walmart, some from the clearance rack. We are doing better now, so I am buying 2 pair of size 10 Levi's this time around. (I had two pair of size 10 'skinny pants' tucked away in a box in the garage.) If I need to go to a thrift store, that is OK, too. I try to make the shirts mix and match with the pants. This way I have a few things that fit nice and a few things that are a little big for me. My closet is SO empty now. So far none of my friends or family have commented on my tiny wardrobe, but they all comment on my smaller size!
  • BeDawn
    BeDawn Posts: 56 Member
    As I go down in size, I allow myself 4 pairs of pants and 6 shirts. I wear my big clothes until they look bad, then I donate them. I started as an 18, when I lost enough weight, I bought 4 pair of size 16 pants, but my shirts still looked okay so I waited. I buy whatever I can afford at the time. The 16's were from walmart, some from the clearance rack. We are doing better now, so I am buying 2 pair of size 10 Levi's this time around. (I had two pair of size 10 'skinny pants' tucked away in a box in the garage.) If I need to go to a thrift store, that is OK, too. I try to make the shirts mix and match with the pants. This way I have a few things that fit nice and a few things that are a little big for me. My closet is SO empty now. So far none of my friends or family have commented on my tiny wardrobe, but they all comment on my smaller size!
    This sounds extreme, maybe I should clarify. I should mention that I am only halfway to my goal weight. I am saving my $ now so I have more to spend once I get back to my healthy weight. Then trust me, I will build a bigger wardrobe!
  • sunnyinaz78
    In comparison to what I used to WASTE on food and alcohol when I was 35 lb nothing in regards to what I spend on skinny clothes, workout gear and gym memberships! I LOVE it!
    Shop consignment and thrift, it doesn't hurt as bad when I ruin or have to go down in size when I payed 80% less for name brand.
  • RubyRed8067
    I used to weigh 220, and got hand me downs and thrift store buys until I got to 120, then I maxed out a credit card buying EVERYTHING from underwear to new jewelry. I got really nice clothes too! It took me 6 months to pay it off, but it was worth it.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    I buy jeans at a "fancy" Goodwill. Have been able to find good brands like LL Bean and Calvin Klein for $6 a pair. I buy shirts on the clearance rack only. I've lost 4 sizes so far, so I'll continue my thrifting until I get to my goal. (I do tend to spend more money on workout clothes and shoes, as I'm on my second pair of running shoes this year).
  • mrsraushel
    I would make friends with someone who can help you with alterations. As I lose weight, I visit a friend that can help me alter my shirts/pants/dresses, so I'm not having to spend a lot of money on new items. If you don't have a friend that's handy with a thread and needle (and you're not capable yourself), it's often cheaper to pay someone for alterations vs buying a brand new pair of pants or top or dress or whatever...
  • Amy_Lynn74
    Amy_Lynn74 Posts: 134 Member
    After I lost 45 pounds I let myself go shopping. I had a couple of gift cards that I had gotten for my birthday so I used those. For the rest of my clothes since at that time I wasn't done losing and still aren't I shopped at the thrift stores. I had a pretty limited wardrobe for awhile but one of my coworkers who lost some weight gave me a bunch of her clothes so I ended up with a pretty decent wardrobe. I only have 25 more pounds to lose so I guess when I get to that point I will buy more stuff.:flowerforyou:
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    I'm finding swapping out clothing that doesn't fit so well anymore is what keeps me motivated to stay on the right path. I do find a nice trick that works when you fluctuate between a few pounds is wrap dresses, but that's about the only thing I'll hold onto. :)
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I was making due with most of my stuff (had to get a couple pairs of pants so they weren't falling off of me). I saved up some money and waited until Black Friday. Spent around $300 and got a TON of stuff at good prices. I'll probably do the same after Christmas.
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    In hindsight, I would have maybe saved up some money slowly over time to have to spend on new clothes. Some people like to do the "pay yourself" when you workout system. Like every time you work out, toss like a buck or five into a jar and use that money to buy yourself clothes. I've never been on a weight loss journey before so I really had no idea.

    That's great idea! I think I'll have to start doing that.

    Also, totally feel you on the work pants. I feel like a clown in my black dress pants. I'm actually going to try this cute thrift store first, then hit up sales at regular stores after that.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Sadly 7, 8 years ago I lost weight to maybe 165 pounds (I'm currently 156) and then life really got difficult and I started stress eating and put it all back (over a few years).

    I was fortunate/smart enough to have put all my clothes aside as they didn't fit and eventually threw them in space bags.

    I've been opening the space bags as I've been losing weight. I'm finally out of smaller clothes and I had to go to walmart to buy pants. I have 2 suits I will need to have tailored but they will wait until I forsee a suit wearing occasion or I hit my final final goal.

    I'm not enitrely sure the bigger of the two will be able to be tailored to my fit anyway...

    I am hoping that I can hold off on more clothes until I hit goal weight but with every 2 sizes they get too big to wear anyway... I'll hit walmart for cheapo clothes until I'm completely done.

    I've been donating the bigger clothes as I go except for one BIG pair of pants for that picture...