Vampiric urges -Snack attack!

Unfortunately I'm not immortal, but I do feel like I can really sympathize with an urging vampire..or a dog. I see a snack, I instantly attack. It's incredible. Incredibly disgusting and annoying. I litterally feel myself drooling on the inside like a st bernard (dog) and "the force" pulls me ever so strongly to the junk food.. where as then I turn into a 12 year-old at Christmas and savagely tear open the wrappings and stuff my face.

I am totally that fatty you see admiring the cakes in the bakery of a store, but because I don't want to be the fatty in the line up with all the sweets in her cart, I usually turn away. But my nose is pressed up against the glass, wishing...

Does anyone have these same urges? :):)