What is your natural weight?



  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    i am 5'3.5" and i spent most of my 20s fluctuating between 137-143 lbs without trying too hard...i was on the higher end of average, but not too terrible overall so i thought that was my 'comfy weight' even though i wasn't super happy with how i looked...about 3 years ago i decided enough was enough and started working out with more regularity and using mfp and finally lost the 10-15 lbs that had been making me uncomfortable...then i got pregnant and gained between 40-45 lbs...i was hopeful that i would be able to lose all of the weight, but i thought for sure that my body would be 'comfy' again in the 137-143 range...i was wrong!!! i am now almost 30 and maintaining 130-133 without working too hard at it, i eat a minimum of 1500 calories per day (including pizza and sweets) and i workout 3-4 times per week...my lifestyle has changed a bit, but now this is my 'comfy weight' :) i would still like to drop a few more lbs and tone up, but where i am at is not too bad either :)
  • yogsvr4
    yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member
    I've hit 200 a few times and bounced back up to 215 (still a far cry from the 285 I started with) so it looks like I probably belong in the low mid 200s
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member

    According to this website. I should be between 124lbs and 138lbs. I'm 5'4 and I have a medium frame.

    My goal is 125 lbs by the end of May 2013.

    In high school I was between 118 lbs and 122 lbs

    From 21 to about 27 I was in the 130's

    I gained weight after I turned 28. The heaviest I've ever been is 155 lbs.

    As of last week Saturday I weigh 143.8 lbs and slimming down every day :)

    I've always been pretty trim and healthy- so during those times I never really weighed myself. I would love to be 120 lbs and stay there :)
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I think I know what you mean, I'm 5'5" and I've just got down to 9 and a half stone (133) and I've been here before and found it easy to maintain at this weight and have stayed this weight for several years before with little effort (just went through a bit of an emotional eating patch after this period and put on 30 pounds through constant junk food eating) my ultimate goal in 9 stone (126) which I have also been before and lower (although lower didn't suit me) but it usually takes me a bit more dedication to maintain, so I'll just have to keep up with a few more healthy habits like working out regularly to maintain LW. :)
  • Mia627
    Mia627 Posts: 34
    I am 5'8 and find it easy to maintain around 155. Right now I'm about 169 pounds. :( Working actively to get this off.
  • If I don't pay attention to diet or exercise, I hover around 135. If I'm overindulgent, it's 140-145.
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    Damn this is depressing..... my normal weight seems to be around 180. I was up to 230, and my lowest point was 157. Im at 182.4 now and its horrible. Im trying to get down to 135. Ive really been struggling latley but, It's called willpower, either you want to or you don't, there's no trick. Im back on track right now.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I am 5'8 and usually between 125-130 but I had no muscle tone and just looked skinny-fat.
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    What is a "natural weight"? I think whatever weight you're at for a long time is what the body eventually grows accustomed to. If we're going by what is easiest to maintain, mine would be 300 lbs. It's what I've been my whole upper teenage/adult life, and what I stay at without gaining or losing if I eat what is normal for me.

    Obviously this is not healthy. So "natural weight" doesn't really seem like a thing.
  • roxbox2013
    roxbox2013 Posts: 95 Member
    Luckily, my natural weight sits low at about 108-116. It's been this way since my sophomore year in high school. I have a medium sized frame and am 5'3". Short! This is of course with approx. 3 days of exercise a week. Now I work out 7 days a week, burning approximately 1000 calories every day, and am steadily losing weight.

    I suppose you could say that isn't my "natural" weight since I was still working out, but I won't ever see my natural weight then. Haha.