Anyone out there have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?



  • OhLibra
    OhLibra Posts: 221 Member
    I have PCOS w/ IR. I do have a hard time losing weight around my mid-section, as I seem to carry my weight there. I constantly remind myself that it's a trouble zone for lots of people, not just us. Feel free to add me.
  • kyrabeth1986
    kyrabeth1986 Posts: 53 Member
    I have PCOS and hypothyroidism, its a nightmare at times to lose weight but i have managed to lose 2 stone in just under 3 years without really exercising or eating well religiously. Im hoping to lose 2 stone by July, i know its going to be hard going, but at around 5lbs a month i should be able to get close atleast.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I went undiagnosed for over ten years & trying for children. So I was quite over weight. Then gained it steadily from there
    Have managed to maintain at current weight for nearly a year, now looking to kick start the next round of weight loss. It can be done, but you have to be in for the long haul. No quick fixes with PCOS.
    I am lucky I have two girls so rhw efforts were worth it to me.
    My eldest will be six on Friday - she has completed 10 5K runs, I am really proud of her for doing that, but also a little xhuffwd with myself as if I didn't go to the events she wouldn't take part. Together we are building skills for her future. She is very like me so I have it in the back off my mind she could have the same issues, but at least she will know how to eat well and exercise.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I was told I had PCOS in high school. I have been able to lose 70lbs so far but I lost it a lot slower than a lot of others I see on here (almost 2 years to this point). I lose consistently but it's slow and no matter what I do or what my goals are set to.

    I am finding that the middle section seems to be the most stubborn. I know it's shrunk but it still doesn't feel like it.
  • changing_becca
    changing_becca Posts: 6 Member
    I was diagnosed this summer but can remember the symptoms starting when I was around 18. I'm on Metformin (XR 1500 once a day) and follow a low carb diet. Feel free to add me.

    Do you find taht 1500 of Metformin has heped with weight loss? I take 1000mg (before the XR was available, metformin really messed up my stomach) but I have heard that uping the dose to 1500 helps with weight? Any thougths?


    I actually take 2000 mg a day (1000 mg twice a day) and at first it messed my stomach up something terrible. I was miserable but suffered through for months (which turns out was really dumb) but I was desperate and was willing to try anything to have children at that time. Well my suffering was worth it, I got preggers and then went off metformin during pregnancy but started again after birth. I really wasn't taking my meds though, finding that I had already reached my goal of a baby and not worth the suffering any more and when I told my doc he changed my scrip. I still take the same dosage but they changed to extended release and now I have none of the previous issues I once had.
  • Kristi_Mitch
    I was diagnosed with PCOS no IR in 2002 after having trouble conceiving my 2nd child. I took clomid and was pregnant my first cycle. After giving birth I did not go on any meds and did not lose the baby weight I gained. Thinking that I wouldn't get pregnant again without meds, I did not even go back on BC pills. Lo and behold almost 4 years later in 2006 my 3rd child arrived. When I got pregnant that time I was still at my delivery weight for my 2nd. I packed on another 50 pounds quite easily. In 2009 I decided I had to make a change. Knowing it would be difficult to lose with PCOS, I still decided to go without meds. Since that time and before joining MFP I lost 130 pounds through calorie counting and constantly increasing my exercise. I went from walking a 1/2 mile to working out 60-90 minutes a day 6 days a week. I have found that if I don't keep myself at that level now I start to gain weight back very easily. I am still not at goal, I would like to lose another 50 pounds. The one strange thing is that since I lost the weight my periods are more regular than they have been my entire life. I am a consistent 30 - 35 days now, where I had been 60 days or more when I was at my heaviest.

    I joined MFP a few months ago but really got back on track again almost a month ago. I also wear the bodymedia fit that you see the Biggest Losers wear on the show. I have worn one for about 2 years now and it is a huge help!

    I am here to offer support to anyone that needs it. You can do this.