Dry Brushing: Exercise for your Skin

I was introduced to dry brushing by my mom like 6 years ago. I didn't really pay attention to it back then. I was still in high school and didn't really care about anything really. I remember sometimes my mom would sneak up behind me and started brushing my legs saying that it was good for me. I thought it was just a creepy thing and thought that she was turning into a crazy woman.

Now that i'm in this whole getting healthy thing i've been experimenting with dry brushing for a month now. On one week and off one week to see what it really does. it really works!! Totally recommend it! helps reduce cellulite appearance and has been tightening my skin and toning the muscles, no drastic changes u just feel it! its kinda like a little booster!

I do it 5 to 10 minutes before I shower. Brush all over my body usually start at my feet working up with brisk brush strokes towards the heart. I use a natural brisk brush just like its recommended. First few tries I felt like it hurt and it got a bit red in some spots but then I became comfortable and relaxing later on.

When experimenting i noticed the weeks I dry brushed it also helped when i got on the scale. I lost a good amount of weight compared to the week I didn't brush. My calorie intake and active activity intensity stayed the same all weeks of experimentation.

I'm really excited about dry brushing now!

look into it guys! let me know your thought and comments



  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I do it once in a while when I remember, it doesn't feel very good but I do think it helps with overall leg appearance...also it makes them very soft and smooth. Definitely a beautifying technique that a lot of people don't know about!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I don't for a second believe that it helps at all for fat loss or "muscle toning", but I do know that it does wonders for dry skin. My mother in law got me started with it about a year ago.

    Weight loss is not linear, so you can't really say a week of weight loss and a week of brushing have any correlation. I can lose 3 pounds one week and none the next regardless of my eating or brushing habits.