I am going out on a limb here ...

EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL is the be all and end all. You should put it in everything you cook and eat. Im convinced and thats what im doing. Every cooking show and healthy recipe all i see is with olive oil. So if i dice some potaoes up and cook them in evoo im good to go right? On my omlette, on my veggies, on my chicken, in my brushetta, ect. I am not going to disagree if someone says its evil because i just dont know, maybe it is. But for now i am consuming it daily unless someone convinces me otherwise.


  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I use Olive Oil to make salad dressings. I don't cook with olive oil though. I use coconut oil for cooking oil.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Oh my god I put olive oil on everything. Just keep in mind that there are calories involved (healthy fats that you need!), and you'll be fine.

    Some people swear by coconut or other oils, I'm sure they're good too?
  • At the end of the day olive oil is just fat. Excess fat that we really just don't need (especially if you're already carrying around some extra lbs- like me!). It just takes up a lot of your calories and doesn't have any nutritional value- no vitamins, phytochemicals, fiber, protein, etc. I water sautéing my food to avoid taking in extra calories and fat. We should stick to natural fat sources- nuts, seeds, avocados, etc. I learned all of this in Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" book. I would highly recommend this read! It will also blow your mind about meat and dairy!
  • Oh yes i cant wait to try coconut oil also :happy: As for cooking with evoo... it is not made for high heat so i only sautee on low heat or drizzle it on when almost done cooking a lil sea salt and pepper yum!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Depends what you are trying to achieve. If you are going to use it for every meal you would be better off using whole sources of oleic acid - whole olives, avocados, pecans, almonds - so that you get all the nutrients and fibre the food has to offer. Be sure you are also getting plenty of long chain omega-3s from oily fish - these are classed as essential fatty acids, monounsaturates are not.
  • At the end of the day olive oil is just fat. Excess fat that we really just don't need (especially if you're already carrying around some extra lbs- like me!). It just takes up a lot of your calories and doesn't have any nutritional value- no vitamins, phytochemicals, fiber, protein, etc. I water sautéing my food to avoid taking in extra calories and fat. We should stick to natural fat sources- nuts, seeds, avocados, etc. I learned all of this in Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" book. I would highly recommend this read! It will also blow your mind about meat and dairy!
    I will keep this in mind. Thank you
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    At the end of the day olive oil is just fat. Excess fat that we really just don't need (especially if you're already carrying around some extra lbs- like me!). It just takes up a lot of your calories and doesn't have any nutritional value- no vitamins, phytochemicals, fiber, protein, etc. I water sautéing my food to avoid taking in extra calories and fat. We should stick to natural fat sources- nuts, seeds, avocados, etc. I learned all of this in Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" book. I would highly recommend this read! It will also blow your mind about meat and dairy!

    Eating fat doesn't make you fat. In fact, the more fat you eat the more your body will shed body fat. There is a saying.........It takes fat to burn fat.

    And since when is expeller pressed extra virgin olive oil not natural? It is just the oil extracted from the olive itself and does have much nutritional value, just as coconut oil does even though it is extracted from the coconut.
  • Depends what you are trying to achieve. If you are going to use it for every meal you would be better off using whole sources of oleic acid - whole olives, avocados, pecans, almonds - so that you get all the nutrients and fibre the food has to offer. Be sure you are also getting plenty of long chain omega-3s from oily fish - these are classed as essential fatty acids, monounsaturates are not.
    It is winter time in my part so the fruit stands are closed, and i get 'some" "fresh" friuit from my store but eh, i like it summer fresh. I defintley fit into my calories , i THOUGHT EVOO WAS THE GOOD FAT? As in it "helps" push out the bad fat?
  • From Za Za's.....Olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing..a little goes a long way, and the salad tastes great.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Eating fat does not make you fat, eating too many calories makes you fat. And there's no such thing as certain foods helping "push out" the fat, unfortunately.

    A quick google search brings up this:


    but also:


    Overall, if it fits into your calories, it's fine. I wouldn't take that to the extreme and say you could eat all your calories from solely olive oil... but I think putting a bit in with your veggies or meat is harmless, assuming you account for it. Generally any extreme opinion on this website is questionable at best :)
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Also, wikipedia, so understandably take it with a grain of salt:


    Some people even use olive oil as moisturizer. Next we'll be told to bathe in it :)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Also, wikipedia, so understandably take it with a grain of salt:


    Some people even use olive oil as moisturizer. Next we'll be told to bathe in it :)

    I know a LOT of people that use Olive oil as a hair conditioner, moisturizer and use it for oil pulling............

    I don't like olives that much, so I use coconut oil for all of those things and many more.

    Olive oil is a good oil for making salad dressings and that is about it.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Eating fat does not make you fat, eating too many calories makes you fat.

    Well said. Thank you.
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    I honestly prefer cooking and using grapeseed oil over olive oil. It has a higher flash point so less chance of over heating and causing it to cook bad and I find it makes a nicer salad dressing too. I use to use olive oil like crazy and i still keep it on hand but not crazy obsessed about it anymore lol (also found out unless you are getting the really high end expensive stuff it has been diluted with other cheaper oils alot of the time)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I LOVE olive oil!!!!! I love to dip crusty italian bread in it and sprinkle parmesan cheese on top! Wash it down with a glass of wine.....or three:drinker:
  • I LOVE olive oil!!!!! I love to dip crusty italian bread in it and sprinkle parmesan cheese on top! Wash it down with a glass of wine.....or three:drinker:
    I secand that option! :drinker:
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    I use Olive Oil to make salad dressings. I don't cook with olive oil though. I use coconut oil for cooking oil.

    Me, too!
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    I don't get why people think coconut oil is so healthy... I mean, it's fine if people use it on their skin or whatever, but actually putting it in your body...? It's FULL of saturated fat. So unhealthy for your heart and general wellbeing. I suppose it's just one of those fad superfoods that pop up every now and again.

    I personally only ever consume high quality avocado, rice bran and extra virgin olive oils :) Never butter. I don't trust any solid fats because they have the highest levels of saturated fat in them.
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    All the fats I use are real. No margarine here. EVOO, Coconut oil, butter (Yes butter is good), and grapeseed oil if I need something that has no flavor and can handle heat.
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    I don't get why people think coconut oil is so healthy... I mean, it's fine if people use it on their skin or whatever, but actually putting it in your body...? It's FULL of saturated fat. So unhealthy for your heart and general wellbeing. I suppose it's just one of those fad superfoods that pop up every now and again.

    I personally only ever consume high quality avocado, rice bran and extra virgin olive oils :) Never butter. I don't trust any solid fats because they have the highest levels of saturated fat in them.

    The sat fats in coconut oil are medium chain fatty acids, and they are good for you. Google could have told you that.