Dang you carbs

So I personally feel I eat relatively healthy....most of the time.
However, taking a look at my journals...I see a trend....I am consistantly going over on my carbs (I set it to 40%)

Not all carbs are bad right?!?!
Any thoughts/suggestions on ideas to lower my carb intake...?

I am contemplating doing the whole IPOARM method in the new year, and so my stats are set to 40%, 30% and 30% however my calories are not set to where they should according to IPOARM...like I said, in the new year. Bumping up my calories makes me nervous...lol

I realize asking people to peek in your food journal is risky...and when I just now changed it to public, I had some reservations...but I am here for a reason and will do what I need to do to get the answers I need.

Thanks in advance! :happy:


  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Don't worry about natural sugars in milk, fruits and veggies, whole carbs are good but lose anything that is white or refined but that is behaves exactly like sugar in the body. Change to a better quality breakfast cereal (less sugar, not so processed), use a natural sweetener in your hot drinks, eat way more fruit and veggies and less processed stuff, switch from two cups of cereal to one, add in two portions of low sugar fruit such as berries instead, more veggies and less starchy carbs with your evening meals.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    I actually dont eat cereal everyday...very rarely in fact...
    I do like whole grain toast and Nutella though as you'll see on my other days :wink:

    I could try and add more fruit & veggies I suppose....
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    I promise you, you will come to love fruit and veg! :)
    Try microwaving apple eighths with cinnamon and maybe a bit of honey or maple syrup if you like things a bit sweeter :)

    And always, ALWAYS go for whole grains! Avoid white bread. I always call it sugar bread :P Have you ever eaten those McDonalds burger buns? They just taste like sugar to me, yuck!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I actually dont eat cereal everyday...very rarely in fact...
    I do like whole grain toast and Nutella though as you'll see on my other days :wink:

    I could try and add more fruit & veggies I suppose....

    Every day is very low in fruit and veggies and high in processed food, sorry. Your toast breakfast has 15g of added sugar, no fruits or veggies, no foods 'as nature intended' at all. Simple healthy eating will help you get all the nutrients you need to boost your metabolism as well as stay healthy - omega-3s from oily fish and calcium from dairy are linked with less fat is the waist area for example.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    I work two jobs...and honestly simple & quick are my go tos..hence a lot of processed foods, which on a regular basis am trying to change-its difficult when you are low on time and lack cooking skills :ohwell:
    I love love LOVE fruits and veggies...unfortunately they are quite expensive...so I am cautious when I hit the produce section, because I feel like they cost so much but go bad so quickly...lol...perhaps I should just suck it up and spend the cash...I always want to buy berries...but damn they are pricey! *sigh* such is life...

    Okay--add fruits and more veggies....got it.
    I just recently fell in love with Nutella...and I honestly dont use alot of it, not even half a serving...just enough to give it that yummy flavor :)

    Please don't apologize...I appreciate the response. I knew going into this and opening my journal, what I was getting into :wink:
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I am consistantly going over on my carbs (I set it to 40%)

    Not all carbs are bad right?!?!
    Any thoughts/suggestions on ideas to lower my carb intake...?
    40% is pretty low. Carbs are not only "not bad" but are very good when you get them from fruits and vegetables. I wouldn't worry about lowering your carb intake if all your carbs are from unprocessed plants, but if you are eating processed carbs, those are the ones to cut first.

    If fruits and veg is too expensive you can supplement your good carb intake with potatoes, rice and beans, which are really cheap, but the more fruits and veg, the better off you will be. If you consider the cost of healthcare, fruits and veg are actually pretty cheap, given their multitude of benefits.

    When in a hurry, things like packets of oatmeal and bananas are awesome. Also, fruit smoothies are easy to take in the car and drink on the way to work, and only take a few minutes to make in the morning.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    less carbs more crabs

    delicious delicious crabs