Hello to all

darece Posts: 34 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I am new to this site and any words of wisdom would be great! I have 30+ to loose. I have used thyroid problems as a reason why I am not loosing. All the while secertly knowing I can do something about it and not doing anything. Now is the time for me to do it!


  • im new too, and i havent weighed in yet...

    cos i dont know how :(

    i got no dieting friends either so im not even sure if im doing any of this right !!!!

    hey darece :)
  • If you are new to exercising I recommend the Slim in 6 program from beachbody.com or Power 90. My wife has done them all and I'm currently doing the Power 90. Watch your calorie intake and try to have some snacks throughout the day in order to keep your metabolism going and burning calories.
  • For some tasty healthy meals to cook up check out www.eatbetteramerica.com, my wife and I have had 5 different recipes from that site and they've all been really good. As I mentioned with the snacking, its good when you eat the right thing (unsalted almonds, Cliff Bars, fruits & veggies, etc.), and not eating can put your metabolism in starvation mode which will make it extremely hard to lose weight. I myself had this problem for a long time until I started snacking and watching my calorie intake. Losing weight is hard work if you aren't used to it, but if you focus and keep up with it you'll see results and be happy with yourself.
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