young and obese

Hello everyone, my name is Brandi, I'm 19 and gave birth to my beautiful daughter in October....Pre-Pregnancy I was 185 (which for my age and height is way obese) and now post baby I am at about 210 now :((
I am finally getting serious about losing weight and could def. use some encouragement. I did the Paleo diet a couple years ago and totally loved it, but with my lifestyle now it will be difficult to follow that strict of a diet so I am basing my diet plan off of Paleo but gonna have to make a few changes here and there....
Feel free to add me.

Nice to meet you all :)


  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter :) I'm pretty new to the MFP community too and am always looking for more support and wanting to support others! I am working on getting healthy so I can live a long and healthy life and be around for my family--and so I can have my own family. I have lost this weight many times and gained it back many times. I want this to be the last time. I am going to add you :) Have a great night!
  • rdow2006
    Welcome !! I'm 5"4 and currently 213 I would like to be around 150 like I was pre 3 baby boys my last also in Oct! I'm not actually doing a dient kist eating healthier and watching the calories and adding exercising. I'm breastfeeding so I know I can't go all crazy and neee to make sure my milk is healthy for my little one.

    We can do this!
  • mommycordillia
    yay to you for BFing....I couldn't do it, but its awesome that you can!! and I've heard that helps alot with losing weight!!
    I'm not doing a specific diet either, I'm just cutting out anything in a box. sooo basicly the paleo diet, but I'm not going hardcore like you're supposed to lol! i'm doing the lazy girls paleo...I can't wait to start working out again, right now my nephew is in the nicu so I have been babysitting my other neices and nephews so sis and bro can stay at the hospital as much as possible...but once little man is home, I will be living at the gym!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Congrats all the way around...nothing like new baby smell :smile: . Something you'll want to keep in mind...are you breast feeding? If you are, you're not going to want to drastically reduce your caloric intake right now. In fact, I think my wife's doctor had her a bit over maintenance while she was feeding. The baby will be taking a lot of your nutrients from you and you don't want to leave yourself have to get your nutrients too, and you'll need the energy...sometimes you'll just want to :sad: .

    My wife focused largely on exercise right after both of our babies and was down to her pre-pregnancy weight pretty quickly; once the babies were on more solids and less reliant on mommy for nutrition, she started pulling those calories back...actually, she hasn't started that yet with our 5 month old as he's still breast feeding, but she is has lost most if not all of the baby weight. She kicked butt with our first kiddo and really got into better shape and leaner than she was before she got pregnant...I have no doubt she'll do this same this time around, and so will you.

    Good luck.

    Edit: sorry, didn't see your post about not being able to breast feed...guess that makes most of my advice pretty worthless. Good luck never the can do this.
  • mommycordillia
    lol its okay! its still encouraging to hear about the other women that have gotten back to pre pregnancy weight, if she can do it, I know its possible for me :) Thanks