Want to support and to be supported

I am kinda new to MFP. I did it on and off the the past two years, but these past three weeks are the longest I have ever been doing it. I have been very committed, and I'm determined to get to a healthy state with a good amount of body fat, but more muscle. Im getting addicted to the gym! its my drug/therapy. I am 131, but have chubs everywhere I want to lose. I want friends I can relate to, friends i can motivate, and friends that motivate me. So friend me! But please send me a message first, so I can know you before I add you.
Thank you


  • haselsdw
    Hi Bree

    I am looking for the same thing. I went to the gym with a friend yesterday and felt it was a bit embarrassing as she is so much more healthier than me. I prefer to go to the gym myself so I don't compare myself to my much thinner healthier friends! But I think it's essential to have a support system there and be able to chat to people who are trying to achieve the same goals. I would be more happy to be there for you to chat to if you would return the sentiment!

    Looking forward to chatting with you

  • Breelundquist
    So excited then! I post all my cardio workouts everyday (except sunday), and most of my strength workouts. Ive been eating no meat, dairy, gluten, or sugar, and I'm dropping fat so so fast. And its only been three weeks