Valentines Day Plan ideas

Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I wanted to ask what everyone is planning on doing for Valentines Day. I am celebrating tonight, Friday night, because my mom is watching the kids for me (She has a boyfriend and will be celebrating Valentines for the first time in 19 years-I’m so proud because she lost 63 lbs yay mommy which has given her the confidence to get back out there). I want her to have her special night on the night.
Anyway, I see two options for myself. My guy is being supportive of which ever I choose.
I could…
1. Go out to dinner; eat well today planning on a high calorie dinner and try/hope I stay with in my calorie limit. But if not, oh well. (Exercise a lot over the weekend.) Maybe go out to a movie after dinner?
2. Take advantage of an empty house, and stay home. I would make a nice healthy dinner for the two of us. Rent a movie and get some frozen yogurt maybe. Then pick up the kids after the flick.

I keep changing my mind back and forth, on one hand it is a special occasion and it would be nice to go out. Get dressed nice, not have to cook and clean up from dinner. Plus we don’t get to go out without the kids very much, so I want to take advantage of having a sitter.

On the other hand though, I feel I could eat better at home. It saves money, saves calories, and gives us a chance to talk and have some down time away from the kids in the comfort of our home.

If you have any suggestions or could tell me about what you are planning on doing, which would be helpful in my making a decision, I would be very appreciative. So what are your plans?


  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    I vote #2! lol, but that's just my husband's and mine's personality. We're not able to really celebrate ayways, so there's not much of a choice. Sunday is his only day off this week and he will probably sleep from 8-4 (3rd shifter) so I'll relax as much as possible in the morning, although I have a running 1 y/o, then we'll have homemade mexican and I'm thinking a fromage blanc, fresh fruit, nut and honey dessert! And of course some nummy wine, I've found a red wine with natural chocolate in it.. now just to locate it again.

    Good luck in your decision, and I know no matter what it'll be wonderful. And totally yay for your mama!! That's motivation in itself!
  • FitChickBritt
    FitChickBritt Posts: 161 Member
    I would make a romantic healthy meal and have it at home and then go out to a movie! That way you get a little of 1 and 2!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I would probably opt for option #1 .... That way, you really feel like you had a chance to celebrate!! Maybe get home a little early for some nice "luvin" before you get the kiddos :wink:
    You can plan really well and research where you are going to eat and what meal you are going to have so you will know the calorie content ahead of time... That way, you don't even have to think about it when you are out...
  • ambervargo
    ambervargo Posts: 67 Member
    Since my BF and I started dating, we have always cooked together at home on V day. It's the one time where he helps in the kitchen and its always rather amusing. I think there's too much hype about going out plus we spend the weekends at a country house in PA, so there aren't many restaurants that serve up food better than my kitchen can. :)

    Enjoy yourselves whatever you decide to do!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Since my BF and I started dating, we have always cooked together at home on V day. It's the one time where he helps in the kitchen and its always rather amusing. I think there's too much hype about going out plus we spend the weekends at a country house in PA, so there aren't many restaurants that serve up food better than my kitchen can. :)

    Enjoy yourselves whatever you decide to do!

    :laugh: too much hype about going out! You must not have kids! lol
    I would have agreed with you 4 years ago. :tongue:
    For me it is more about not having to cook and clean after. I do EVERYTHING all the time. Kids to school, pick them up, clean cook, clean, clean, clean, change diapers, give baths, clean, did I say clean? Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but I would like a break from dinner every now and again. Last time I didn't make dinner was my brothers wedding!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I think the service is poor in restaurants on Valentines' Day and very disappointing...stay home and have your honey help you cook and clean with undies on, he, he...dinner doesn't have to be elaborate, maybe just some appetizers and wine....p.s. I have 4 kids
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Thank you all for your great ideas. I appreciate you all taking the time to help me out. :flowerforyou:

    First off, I want to apologize to amber, I re-read what I wrote, and I didn’t mean to sound so *****y. I just found it funny and it came out wrong when I typed it out. So I am sorry. You do have a very valid point and I do think it a wise suggestion.

    Bljo14-Great idea of doing both! I love this idea and will do just that. Dinner at home healthy and quaint, then out on the town for a movie.

    You all rock! Hope your Valentines Day is fabulous! Thanks again.

    Now what should cook for dinner? :huh:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I don't have any kids, but I can't tell you how much I hate doing the dishes everyday. Especially since I cook throughout the week and cooking healthy meals- which means more dishes! (Steam the broccoli, cook the chicken, cook the rice, etc, etc, etc) So, if I were you...I would take the break and go out to eat. No dishes for the night! You can go out, have a good time, and come back to a clean house. Plus, if you stay home and cook a nice meal it will be more dishes than you probably want. Get dressed up all cute, and don't worry about the menu too much. One night's worth of yummy dinner won't do too much damage, plus you could probably look things up online beforehand if its a well-known restaurant. And maybe workout a little harder that morning. Then, maybe you could rent a movie on Redbox or something and cuddle up.

    Have a great time!!! No matter what you decide, you're bound to have an amazing time!!! I'm sure you are sooo relieved to have a babysitter all lined up so you can have some special alone time with your husband!! how awesome!!
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    May be a little late on this but, why don't you guys go out and have a nice dinner, skip going out to a movie and just watch one at home and then pick up the kids? You could have both!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I think the service is poor in restaurants on Valentines' Day and very disappointing...stay home and have your honey help you cook and clean with undies on, he, he...dinner doesn't have to be elaborate, maybe just some appetizers and wine....p.s. I have 4 kids

    I agree about the service on Valentine's Day. DH proposed to me 2 years ago on Valentine's Day and his intention was to propose in the restaurant. He changed his mind during dinner because it was not the best experience. We waited for our table for 2 hours although we had reservations. We almost left and ate McDonald's instead. He jokes around that we almost got engaged at McDonald's. As it was, we spent dinner talking about how we don't want to go out on Valentine's Day again!!

    However, since you aren't talking about actually going on Valentine's Day, go out!!!! From what you've said here, you would like a break from your day to day routine. Take the break, have fun!!
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