Do you feel that your weight keeps you single?



  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    I've felt that way before... but I've seen even obese people get married. AND I've seen girls who are overweight and dating a skinny tall guy. Some people are actually attracted to more than just looks, y'know?

    It MIGHT be that you hold yourself back because you have low self esteem... so you have never put yourself out there enough in the dating world.

  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm still legally married pending a divorce, and haven't really even considered dating. Surely, for a dude, your weight impacts how people see you but I don't think it is the end all-be all.

    I think the thing that will ultimately keep me single is that I'm just not a particularly social guy. In my small town really the only thing single adults do is go to bars and I don't drink anymore and find bars to be very uncomfortable places. They just aren't my scene.

    I guess these days anyone's best bet would be a dating site and just looking for someone with similar interests :-)

    A person's weight is like 25% of what is keeping them lonely. I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't really matter how much weight I lose or if I get built if I just keep being such a homebody.