kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so how do you really go about setting your "goal weight" when you haven't been even close to that number in YEARS?!!!!!!
I have been told by 5 different people that I have my goal weight set way too low... When I tell them how many more pounds I would like to lose, they look at me like I'm CRAZY!!! I am medium build and tend to be more on the musclar side (when I'm in shape)... No one comes close to guessing my weight now, they look at me and guess a good 30 pounds less... So, I guess that is GREAT that I LOOK 30 lbs less (one lady guessed an entire 60 lbs less LOL.... I think she had bad eyesight :laugh: ), but in all actuality, the scale still shows a LARGE number that I don't like...
To be in a 'HEALTHY' weight range, the BMI calculator says that I should be between 111 and 150... That's a HUGE gap...
Anyway, I'm just wondering what I should really shoot for.... Right now I have it set at 135 (in the middle of the BMI suggestion)...
I'm not obsessed with a number.... I have been saying, "I will know when I get there" lately when people ask me how much more weight I want to lose... The main reason I'm asking is for my ticker's sake :laugh:
I would LOVE to hear you guys' thoughts on this...


  • atlmom
    atlmom Posts: 27 Member
    how old are you? and how tall?
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    Ya know, I've often thought the same thing. My goal is about 135 as well, and I chose it because it was in the middle of the healthy BMI range. I think there's a wide range because our bodies are built differently. For instance, in high school when I was in my BMI range, I thought I was fat because I weighed a lot. But I'm heavy chested. I suppose someone with the same waiste line as me but smaller chest would in theory weight less. Muscle makes a different as well. Some thicker girls tend to have more muscle.

    I say the solution is strive for your goal you have set. Don't feel like a failure if your number never reaches that 135 you're shooting for. As you get closer to that goal weight you'll be able to see if you can get there. If we get obsessed with the number, that's when we can be unhealthy all over again. Re-evaluate yourself as you lose. Know your body and what looks good and feels good. Be healthy!

    Good job on the weight loss so far!!!!!!! Keep up the good work! :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I would aim for a healthy BMI of 20-22. When I told my doctor I was going to lose a 100 lbs, she was like "Do you REALLY need to lose that much?" I told her "YES!" "Ooookay" lol
    100 lbs for me would be 248 down to 148, but I have my long term goal set to 135. For what it's worth, I haven't weighed 150 since I was 10, and I honestly don't know the last time I was 135.
  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    I think 135 is great. I would split it right down the middle too.
  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    I think in the middle of the BMI range for a medium frame sounds perfect.... but you're right, you will know when you get there. I set my ticker a little on the low side just to keep myself motivated... I don't even own a scale, I think I will just know when I get there. I actually have a goal measurement in my head, but it's not set in stone, either... I think if we pay attention to our bodies and are eating healthy, our bodies will let us know.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    We must be the same height (5'4"?). My goal is at 150 and I'm starting to think even that is too low. I'm at 216 now and when I start looking at myself, I have a hard time imagining where another 66 pounds is going to come from. I told my stepdad about 20 pounds ago that I wanted to lose at least 80 more pounds and his eyes bugged out of his head. Maybe he was trying to be nice, but he said he had no idea how that would even be possible. :laugh: I guess I'll see when I get there!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I also get told all the time that I look like I weigh about 30-35 pounds less than I do.. which is actually very close to what my goal weight is!! lol (ironic, huh?) But I know me weighing 150 would be comparable to someone else weighing weighing a lot less. I'm also really muscular. Once when I went to the doctor she asked what my goal weight would be and I said about 145. She looked at me like I was crazy and said 165 would be the lowest. Then I looked at her with the same look of shock on my face lol. I know once when I weighed 175-180 I was a size 8. And even now I can wear a 10 and I weigh 197...

    It really does all depend on the person, so maybe a doctor would be a good bet to ask. Or, just lose weight until you feel you're in the right spot. You'll proabably know when you get there!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    how old are you? and how tall?

    I'm 33 yr old and I'm 5'5"
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    We must be the same height (5'4"?). My goal is at 150 and I'm starting to think even that is too low. I'm at 216 now and when I start looking at myself, I have a hard time imagining where another 66 pounds is going to come from. I told my stepdad about 20 pounds ago that I wanted to lose at least 80 more pounds and his eyes bugged out of his head. Maybe he was trying to be nice, but he said he had no idea how that would even be possible. :laugh: I guess I'll see when I get there!

    Right now I'm 209 lbs, and I can see places where it needs to come off :laugh: I'm 5'5" and I tend to be on the muscular side...
    I really just want to feel great and look really good :wink: I just set my goal weight smack dab in the middle of a healthy BMI and when I have told people how much more weight that I would like to lose they are like, NO WAY!!!!! YOU WILL DISAPPEAR!!!
    I guess it's nice to have a body type that LOOKS like I weigh less than I actually do, but it makes setting a number goal a bit more difficult
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Ok, so how do you really go about setting your "goal weight" when you haven't been even close to that number in YEARS?!!!!!!
    I have been told by 5 different people that I have my goal weight set way too low... When I tell them how many more pounds I would like to lose, they look at me like I'm CRAZY!!! I am medium build and tend to be more on the musclar side (when I'm in shape)... No one comes close to guessing my weight now, they look at me and guess a good 30 pounds less... So, I guess that is GREAT that I LOOK 30 lbs less (one lady guessed an entire 60 lbs less LOL.... I think she had bad eyesight :laugh: ), but in all actuality, the scale still shows a LARGE number that I don't like...
    To be in a 'HEALTHY' weight range, the BMI calculator says that I should be between 111 and 150... That's a HUGE gap...
    Anyway, I'm just wondering what I should really shoot for.... Right now I have it set at 135 (in the middle of the BMI suggestion)...
    I'm not obsessed with a number.... I have been saying, "I will know when I get there" lately when people ask me how much more weight I want to lose... The main reason I'm asking is for my ticker's sake :laugh:
    I would LOVE to hear you guys' thoughts on this...

    kandy, the easiest way to do it as far as I know is this:

    Go have a body fat % done,

    multiply your body fat% by your weight and that will give you the total number of pounds of fat you have

    subtract your fat pounds from your total weight, this will give you your lean tissue mass.

    add about 18 - 22% onto your lean tissue mass and that is a healthy goal weight (you can multiply your lean tissue pounds by 1.18 to 1.20 and you'll get a good goal weight for you).

    This is a good way to do it because it uses your existing "good" body weight (I.E. muscle, bones, organs, and water) to figure out what you should be at if you were to lose ONLY the excess fat (for women 18 to 20% body fat is a pretty good amount, although you can be healthy down to about 12 to 13% as a woman)
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Ok, so how do you really go about setting your "goal weight" when you haven't been even close to that number in YEARS?!!!!!!
    I have been told by 5 different people that I have my goal weight set way too low... When I tell them how many more pounds I would like to lose, they look at me like I'm CRAZY!!! I am medium build and tend to be more on the musclar side (when I'm in shape)... No one comes close to guessing my weight now, they look at me and guess a good 30 pounds less... So, I guess that is GREAT that I LOOK 30 lbs less (one lady guessed an entire 60 lbs less LOL.... I think she had bad eyesight :laugh: ), but in all actuality, the scale still shows a LARGE number that I don't like...
    To be in a 'HEALTHY' weight range, the BMI calculator says that I should be between 111 and 150... That's a HUGE gap...
    Anyway, I'm just wondering what I should really shoot for.... Right now I have it set at 135 (in the middle of the BMI suggestion)...
    I'm not obsessed with a number.... I have been saying, "I will know when I get there" lately when people ask me how much more weight I want to lose... The main reason I'm asking is for my ticker's sake :laugh:
    I would LOVE to hear you guys' thoughts on this...

    kandy, the easiest way to do it as far as I know is this:

    Go have a body fat % done,

    multiply your body fat% by your weight and that will give you the total number of pounds of fat you have

    subtract your fat pounds from your total weight, this will give you your lean tissue mass.

    add about 18 - 22% onto your lean tissue mass and that is a healthy goal weight (you can multiply your lean tissue pounds by 1.18 to 1.20 and you'll get a good goal weight for you).

    This is a good way to do it because it uses your existing "good" body weight (I.E. muscle, bones, organs, and water) to figure out what you should be at if you were to lose ONLY the excess fat (for women 18 to 20% body fat is a pretty good amount, although you can be healthy down to about 12 to 13% as a woman)

    WOW..... Ok, so where do you go to get your fat percentage taken? Sorry if I sound totally ignorant here...
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I'm 33 and 5' 6" and currently 130.8 lbs. I am aiming to get down to 120-125 and get my body fat down to 16-18% (currently it's at 22%).

    I think you need to do what is most comfortable for you. If you feel good at 135 then that should be your goal. If you feel good at 150 then that should be your goal. What ever makes you feel happy and healthy.

    Like beqy12 said, "you'll know when you get there. "
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member

    WOW..... Ok, so where do you go to get your fat percentage taken? Sorry if I sound totally ignorant here...

    You can go to a gym or have a consultation with a personal trainer or ask your Dr where you could get your Body Fat tested.. Sometimes, health food stores have nutritionists who will do it.
  • WOW..... Ok, so where do you go to get your fat percentage taken? Sorry if I sound totally ignorant here...

    Local gym, nutritionalist or you can purchase a weight scale at your local super center that will also give you your numbers although I'm sure it's not as accurate as the gym or nutritionalis will do.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    I agree with the previous posters that you will know as you get closer, and as you body changes.

    During majority of my journey, I had my goal at 135, and I'm 5'2 with a large frame. When I got to 155, I changed my goal to 145, as my Dr. advised due to my frame size. Currently I weigh 146, and there's no denying that I probably shouldn't go beyond 140. My ribs and collar bones have been poking for a while but are now extremely prominent. My hips are very wide, so those protrude as well.

    You have to comfortable, period. Some people like being bony, where I like being slender, & not malnourished looking! I'd set a goal of 150 for now, then readjust it as you get closer!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I think it's just such a drastic change everyone's expression is :noway: when you tell them what your goal is. I say keep your goal at 135, and when you get there you can assess. I did that and I am 5'6, and even in high school I weighed 150...my original goal was 150 and as I approached that weight I changed it to 140. I'm in an 8 jean and a small/medium top now, and I just bought my first Victoria's Secret bikini the other day! You can do it!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I think it's just such a drastic change everyone's expression is :noway: when you tell them what your goal is. I say keep your goal at 135, and when you get there you can assess. I did that and I am 5'6, and even in high school I weighed 150...my original goal was 150 and as I approached that weight I changed it to 140. I'm in an 8 jean and a small/medium top now, and I just bought my first Victoria's Secret bikini the other day! You can do it!

    Woo Hoo, Court!!! Vickie's bikini!! I'm so excited for you!!! :drinker:
    Are you going to do your March During pics in it for the js'ers? :laugh:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I agree with the previous posters that you will know as you get closer, and as you body changes.

    During majority of my journey, I had my goal at 135, and I'm 5'2 with a large frame. When I got to 155, I changed my goal to 145, as my Dr. advised due to my frame size. Currently I weigh 146, and there's no denying that I probably shouldn't go beyond 140. My ribs and collar bones have been poking for a while but are now extremely prominent. My hips are very wide, so those protrude as well.

    You have to comfortable, period. Some people like being bony, where I like being slender, & not malnourished looking! I'd set a goal of 150 for now, then readjust it as you get closer!

    I'm a "thicker" gal, I guess you would say... I have boobs and a butt... and even when I'm at a low weight, I got the boobs and a butt :laugh: I like having 'em... So, yeah, it's definitely a "I'll know when I get there" sort of thing :smile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my goal weight is 135.
    I'm fairly broad and also have a large chest
    The last time I weighed 135 was in college and it was ideal for me. I was a healthy size 6/8. Looked good in a bikini.
    Since you are an inch taller I expect that 145 would look good on you and your ticker.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I go thru the same mess...people guess I weigh way less than I do & think I'm INSANE for wanting to lose more. :noway: It's beyond irritating! Also they think I'm a good 4 sizes smaller than I am...height is my friend apparently. :laugh:
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