New to MFP and so encouraged already!

I am new here and have been looking around the site. Seeing everyone and their successes even their struggles is so encouraging. I was diagnosed diabetic 2 years ago after 8 years of sedentary behavior.(I was in a car accident that left me unable to do normal activities) I went from being a heavily active hiker, kayaking, playing sports with the kids to very little activity for 8 years. Now here I am my health is compromised and I got the OK to exercise again from my doctor. I am ramping the exercise up gradually as far as what type I am doing as I don't want to over do and be floored by it. I am trying to get an hour or more in everyday of some type.

I am a mother of 3 wonderful kids, who aren't kids anymore. (I will always see them as my babies even though they tower over me) It has been admittedly easier to deal with food choices since the last of the kids moved out, though emotionally being an empty nester now, well I have my days. I am engaged and we plan to get married some time in the spring of 2014. I hope to look fabulous in my dress! I lost 45lbs and have 99lbs to go it seems so daunting at times. Seeing all these people who have lost over 100 lbs gives me hope. Hope tends to move me along, so thank you!


  • hello and welcome!:smile:
  • myth4ever
    Welcome friend!
  • puddy29
    welcome to MFP this is a fabulous site for great meal and exercise tips for the most part the people are friendly and honest. feel free to add me we can encourage each other. good luck on your journey.
  • glahlstedt
    glahlstedt Posts: 308 Member
    i know that you will LOVE this sight! i love it myself....i love reading the sucess stories, and being inspired. i too have pre-diabetes(from being overweight) I have been seeing a nutritionist for 7 months now, and have lost 13lbs! Our bodies as diabetics surley lose the weight much slower,(everybody is probolly different) but heck, we can still lose it!!! I started this journey at 201, and i am down to 188! It feels great to lose weight! i'm not where i want to be, but i am surely not where i use to be. so, take it one day at a time. you will learn so much just by reading on here. it's amazing how many calories that you can consume without even realizing it..just being accountable is awesome! if you slip up, don't worry about it. tomorrow is another day. stay within your calorie range, and you WILL lose weigh! like i said, it may not be as quick as you would like, but it will happen! Good luck girlie! Feel free to add me!
  • NoMorePerfect
    NoMorePerfect Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome! MFP is such a great place to help you in your weight loss journey. Good luck!
  • sunshinesquared
    sunshinesquared Posts: 2,733 Member
    You are most definitely in the right place! The support and encouragement found here is priceless...not to mention all of the great ideas, recipes and pals made along the way. Ultimately, we're all here for the same reason, so best of luck to you!
  • 89curves89
    89curves89 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome to MVP. We really are a little 'family' here and really do motivate and encourage each other.

    This site is fantastic for great meal and exercise tips.

    Everybody I have spoken to are super friendly and like minded people.

    Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me we can encourage each other.