Staying focused

Hello everyone, I am fairly new to this website. I just started reading posts this week. I see how people have lost so much weight and are focused to get to their goal weight. It seems like I am having the hardest time staying on track. Some days I just want to quit and then get angry for wanting to do that. Does anyone have any advise?


  • VRamos81
    Keep focused hun... Remember what your goals are hang on to them and give it everything you have! This is hard.. You just have to want it FOR YOURSELF and DO IT!

    Good luck to you hunny! Stay focused reach out when u need help... ull be fine!
  • beachcomber
    I always say, "take one day at a time" It's normal to get frustrated, but if you slip one day, don't beat yourself up and start fresh the next day. The hardest part is getting started. I am an avid fitness person and ther are days that I wake up and I do not want to go to the gym, but I push myself and respect myself after I am done. Like for me, I like to excercise first thing in the morning. If I don't then I probably won't. Hey and we are all human, we all have good days and bad. Good luck!!
  • Dive_Girl
    Dive_Girl Posts: 247 Member
    Baby steps...don't try to do it all at once. For me small attainable goals, breaking things down into pieces helps. For instance, if you have NEVER eaten breakfast start with grabbing just an apple or some toast every day when you run out the door. You would be surprised how much just that little change will make. Or, if you tend to eat out for lunch try making Mondays and Fridays bring your lunch to work day. Making my lunch and snacks for work is a HUGE help for me knowing that I am ok because I will not be hungry and have healthy alternatives. I will always stuggle with my calorie allowences for the day if I dont plan ahead. And most of all, keep posting, keep reading and keep making friends. We are all on the same journey but some of us (them!) have been at it longer.

    Good luck and welcome aboard!!!

  • Kendra7107
    I agree with everyone else. Don't beat yourself up about having a bad day. Once I accepted the fact that I would have bad days from time to time, because none of us are perfect, I did much better. Try to learn to get past the guilt.

    In the past, I would backslide, feel bad about the backslide and then eat more. I had to learn to break that destructive habit. Once I was able to say "today is a new day, forget about yesterday" I was able to handle the rough days.

    Don't get me wrong, I still have them but I don't beat myself up!! Think about how good you are doing and not about your bad days or meals.Yesterday was in the past!! Keep moving forward and take things one day at a time.

    You can do it!!!!
  • nehadi23
    nehadi23 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you all for you advise. I'm learning not overwhelmed when I have a bad day. Baby steps