Dealing with temptations while I try to lose while..

I am in the process of losing weight and made an overall lifestyle change... While my boyfriend has been trying to gain for quite some time and struggles with it. Since I have started taking my journey seriously and made changes, he has improved slightly in what he eats (such as learning chowing down fast food is NOT going to help him gain, learning to try to balance meals etc). We do not live together but he spends a lot of time at my place, and nearly every dinner we eat together. I find t kind of difficult because often despite me trying to help he thinks the best way to gain is to gorge on fatty, unhealthy foods, while I sit there trying to be healthier lol. He does support me and everything, but any suggestions for how to deal with the temptations of the food I use to eat with him? When on the road he often wants Mc Donalds or a place like that and it just is hard for me to constantly smell/be around food when I used to have problems with binge/purge, compulsive eating etc. Any advice would be great!! Thanks :)


  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    You can go to places like McDonalds and eat healthy and low cal. Allow yourself a small fry or something like that. DOn't order the supersize meal. Get a salad, dressing on the side and a small fry.

    Who cooks the daily dinners? If you do make a healthy, high calorie/high fat side dish for him. Allow yourself a small portion of it. Unfortunately temptation is always going to be around you just need to learn how to deal with it. You shouldn't restrict anything... that would most likely lead to binging or feeling deprived.
  • mthurm3690
    Im kinda going through the same fiance isnt on my diet with he eats all the food that i would normally eat before..the fast food the cookies the snacks the sweets...and here i am eating a slice of toast and an NUTS!! But the way i deal with it now is for example if I know we are going somewhere and he is more than likely going to eat fast food at one point or another...i eat before we leave so im not hungry and carry a health snack with me just in case I get hungry so while he is sitting there stuffing his face with mcdonalds or wendys im just not watching him eat...the key is to trick your brain...sometimes your brain tells you you are hungry when your really when i see other people eat sometimes i wanna eat too...even though im not really hungry but if you substuitute with a healty alternative you are still eating...just not the bad stuff!! But stick to your guns!! sometimes it helps to say out loud how much calories, carbs, fat, protein, etc. is actually in some of the CRAP we if he is gorging his face with only the factory knows what...get on your phone and actually look up the nutritional value of it and let him know...because sometimes the things that are healthy or not healty for us might shock if he is eating a big cheeseburger with fries and soda sure he is going to gain weight...........and have a heartattack at 40!!! LOL(hopefully not)...just like there is a right way to lose weight, there is also a right way to gain weight as well!! GOOD LUCK!!