Jobs that require sitting all day



  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member

    Baby carrots, banana, bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica...
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    I take a brisk walk on my lunch break, and for snacks i have yogurt, hummus & chips, celery & PB, granola, string cheese.
  • FabMrFox
    FabMrFox Posts: 259 Member
    Water, water, oatmeal, water, oatmeal
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    I sit at a desk for most of the day too. Like other posters have said, water helps. All the bathroom breaks are helpful. Just getting up to walk for a couple minutes every hour helps. It's good to snack on fruits and veggies, but make sure you're getting enough protein too.

    Hummus + veggies
    Apple, pear or orange + string cheese
    Greek yogurt with fruit
    Cottage cheese + fruit or veggies
    Almonds + fruit or veggies
    Banana + almond or peanut butter
    Piece of dark chocolate
    Green tea or herbal tea
    Sugar free gum

    Take a walk during lunch. Make sure lunch is full of healthy veggies plus a protein and healthy fat.
  • You have to ask yourself if you are really hungry or are you just bored. Is your stomach growling? Did you eat a good balance of protein, carbs, and fiber for the day? Are you eating snacks that curb your appetite or are you making it worse? Fruit on its own, bad idea. Fruit with small handful of almonds, good idea. Hot tea always helps me as well.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I work at a hotel. I get up and move occassionally.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I also have a desk job. The things I changed to keep my mind off food:

    I drink a crazy amount of water. Then I have to walk to the bathroom like ten times a day.
    I don't email anyone in the office if it's a question, I walk up and go ask them. If I have tasks that require walking to other parts of the office I do them in as many trips as possible rather than consolidating.
    I keep pistacios on hand.

    I was finding that I wasn't really hungry 90% of the time, I was bored.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    At my job, I'm basically sitting for the full 8 hours and I find myself more hungry and wanting to snack more. I've been calorie counting and it's been adding up! Any suggestions for healthy snacks that will make me feel fuller for longer? Thanks!

    I take a bag of carrot sticks to keep at my desk. I measure them before I put them in the baggie, then I just munch on them all day.
  • I usually snack on an apple in the morning and either popcorn (air-popped) or a Special K bar in the afternoon. And water! Lots and lots of water!!

    It might take a little while to train yourself not to snack when you're bored, so you may notice some additional hunger pains. But, your body should get used to not having the extra snacks within a few days to a week or so.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I'm also stuck at my desk for at least 10 hours a day and no lunch break (I can eat, but I can't leave). I eat a lot of small meals throughout the day that I preplan so that I never feel the need to snack mindlessly. I bring bfast, mid morning, lunch, and mid afternoon foods with me every day (except Fridays, I can go out for lunch and I get a salad usually) and nothing more, that way I don't have any extra food to put me over my calories for the day.

    My lunch bag staples:
    instant oatmeal
    greek yogurk
    light cheese stick or laughing cow cheese and pretzels
    tuna salad with crackers
    turkey deli meat (I roll it up and eat it, I don't like it with bread because I'm weird)
    apple, banana, and berries
    luna bar or some other protein bar
    sometimes I'll bring soup or leftovers

    Basically this. I eat every three hours, so I rarley get hungry at my desk. I also have a decent calorie allowance (2100), so that avoids a LOT of these type of issues for me, too.
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    First and foremost... WATER!
    All the getting up to pee will keep your mind off snacking, and walking to the bathroom 27 times a day has to burn a few calories.
    I love the 100 calorie packs of microwave popcorn. Tastes good and takes a while to eat.

    I 100% agree with this. I bring a 32 oz water to my desk first thing in the morning and drink two during a day. I won't tell you how many times I get up to go to the potty LOL but this helps me get up and stretch throughout the day.

    And the popcorn...perfect snack for grazing on over a long period of time!
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I sit 8-9 hours at my desk.
    I drink TON of water because I also feel like I should be "snacking" on something.
    I also found if I eat breakfast at work at 9-10AM I eat less during the day.
    I like to chew gum, drink flavored water, I also love to drink 20 calorie hot chocolate.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Accountant here...sit at my desk all day long. I plan snacks into my diet for 10AM (give or take) and 3PM (give or take). Since I eat late dinners, I usually have a snack around 6:00 as well, which keeps my 8:30ish dinners a bit lighter.

    My snacks for today:

    10AM - 2 serving natural almonds
    3PM - 1 orange
    6:00PM - 1 serving grapes

    I mix it up with a variety of different things...mostly fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grain crackers and hummus, etc. Right now I'm not allowing myself any junk food...I may or may not loosten up on that down the road. If I'm on a cardio day, I usually do more healthy snacking to eat those calories back.

    As has been mentioned...water, water, water. Also, if you're feeling particularly "hungry" I've found a whole sliced tomato (little S&P) to be an excellent snack...It has a lot of water, so leaves you feeling much fuller than you might think @ very little cost in calories.
  • [/quote]
    I agree with this one. I'm also desk bound for 8 hours and what I do to keep boredom away is to do office exercises such as chair dips, jumping jacks, bodyweight squats/lunges and push-ups. Well you don't have to do all that I mentioned if you can't, if you are talking on the phone, get up and walk while talking. The key here is move more & you will forget the hunger.

    I lunge down the hallway to the bathroom and do push ups on the desk whilst waiting for the photo copier to do its thing. I do torso rotations as colleagues think I'm a little loony but there's only 3 of us in the office so. I usually try and use my lunch breaks to go for a brisk walk and I get to walk to the bank and back twice a day as part of my job. ( I don't usually take the car as it's only 5 minutes away).
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    I sit at a desk at least 9 hours a day and water is soooo boring and unfulfilling! I almost alwasy add something to my water, currently i love True Lemon Raspberry lemonade because its not full of FAKE sugars and only has 5 calories and mixes well w/ my 32 oz nalgene bottle. Coffee, espeically mochas or lattes really fill me up and take a while to drink and if you get them "skinny" they aren't bad on calories.

    Low fat string cheese
    Quaker rice cakes salt and pepper flavored (16 chips 130 cals)
    pop chips yum!
    carrots and ranch powder mixed w/ non fat sour cream for dip

    In the summer i bring in popsicles and keep them in the office freezer.
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    First and foremost... WATER!
    All the getting up to pee will keep your mind off snacking, and walking to the bathroom 27 times a day has to burn a few calories.
    I love the 100 calorie packs of microwave popcorn. Tastes good and takes a while to eat.

    I definitely agree on the water thing... I keep a 16oz cup at my desk and usually fill it 2 or 3 times during the day. That way, I am making sure I am hydrated and not eating instead of drinking. Plus, I have to get up from my butt to go fill it and go to the bathroom! LOL I also get up from my desk numerous times a day to just walk around and get the blood flowing a little, so do that if you can.

    I pack snacks with me every day as well... 100 cal packs of almonds, hard boiled eggs, veggies with hummus, fruit, etc. That way, I am not tempted to hit the vending machines.
  • Akumu
    Akumu Posts: 120 Member
    I'm also at a desk all day, but I plan my eating.

    730 Breakfast
    11 Lunch
    1 Snack
    3 Snack

    Then, home and workout
  • WifedUpMartin
    WifedUpMartin Posts: 166 Member
    I bring a lot of fruit - today I have 2 clementines (approx 40 cals each), and earlier this week I had an apple (approx 80 cals). I also bring things like Fiber One brownies (90 cals) or quaker rice cakes (around 120-130 depending on the kind). And I agree with the people who have mentioned drinking a lot of water - I try to drink about 6-8 cups before lunch and another 4-6 cups before I go home. Good luck!
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I have a sit down job and I love to snack :)

    Snacks I bring in to work:

    1. weight watchers string cheese
    2. 100 pack nuts
    3. baby carrots 35 cal for 10
    5. 90 cal yogurt
    6. 120 cal beef jerky pack

    the list goes on and on :)

    Good luck to you

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  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    First 2 replies to your thread - are your best answers.

    I am software engineer and also have a sitting job. I found that working out during lunch break helps tremendously with NOT wanting to snack.