New ideas

As everybody probably does, I have a list of go to foods that are low in calories and very filling but I am getting a little bored and need some new ideas. I will share mine if some of you can share yours. My top one is chia seeds, they are great. They form a gel and expand when exposed to liquid and will make you feel like you ate an entire meal for only 60 calories. The second one would be Herb Ox sodium free chicken broth and just a quarter serving of Dreamfields spaghetti, very low calorie noodle soup. I eat it with my lunch to fill me up faster. The third is Pico de gallo, I guess this would be for tomato lovers like me because I eat it just plain like a salad. Helps fulfill my Mexican food cravings. The last one would be Wasa rye crackers. I use this as substitute for bread and I am addicted to these cracker sandwichs. My husband thinks I'm crazy. They are only 60 cal for two pieces and 3 g of fiber. So that is what I have been eating for the past two months and would really love to hear about some other go to foods.
