I want to be a runner...

... but is it a good idea?

Currently I am about 90 pounds overweight so I know it would be ideal to lose some (a lot) of weight before starting to run. Also I have issues with my left knee right now, tentatively diagnosed as patella knee syndrome. AND my family apparently has a "history" of bad knee's according to my mother (who is crazy so everything she says should be taken with a grain of salt). That said.... is it a good idea to keep thinking that some day I might be in shape and also be a runner? And if so... what steps (pun intended) should I take to get there?!


  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I would get a good knee brace, some good shoes made for running, and start off by doing walking. If it doesn't hurt then pick it up to fast walk, then a jog and then start trying to run.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Perhaps start out walking, and eventually start adding jogging intervals in between the walking. As you lose weight, you can continue to work your way up from there. Also start doing some resistance training to preserve your muscle as you lose fat.
  • all4my3boyz
    all4my3boyz Posts: 94 Member
    I did a C25K app and can call myself a runner... I'm slow, but I'm a runner :)
    I started 70lbs overweight, you can do anything you put your mind to!
    Good luck!
  • Yea... I am thinking that taking it slow is just the key. I live in the frozen tundra so I suppose what I can do is work on losing some weight, maybe doing some basic exercise DVD's and come spring look into trying the C25K. I appreciate the impute. :)
  • I would suggest you start walking more than running. Do 2 minutes of walking to 30 seconds of running (not sprinting) for 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week for 2-3 weeks. As you start feeling stronger, increase the running and decrease the walking - 1:30 walk, 45 seconds running for the next 2-3 weeks. Continue a similar pattern until you feel that you can run more! Couch to 5K is a great program for beginning runners, and you can spread the schedule out to meet your goals and needs. Although running often gets a bad rap for injuring knees, it actually helps to increase the production of the fluid that essentially keeps the cartilidge intact and more flexible. If it hurts - then stop! And make sure you have a good pair of shoes. Do some research into breathing patterns and find out what works best for you. On slow runs, I take 2 breaths in, 2 breaths out. It works for me and helps build lung endurance and lung capacity. If running is tough, try doing it 2 times a week and using an elliptical 1-2 for some cross training. Also incorporate weight training into your routine too, on days that you don't run. I won't lie to you, I hated running when I first started, but I stuck with it and began to love it once I found my groove! I lost 30 pounds just by running and counting calories! I've since run several 5Ks and am hoping to do a 10K and a half marathon next year! You can absolutely get in shape and become a runner, if that is what your heart desires! Best of luck to you!!
  • If you have already been diagnosed with knee problems I would talk to your doc first about running....then if he says ok follow the advice on here.
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    At the beginning of the summer I weighed 240 and started walking. First one mile and once that was easy, I went up to two. Eventually I could walk ten miles! Then I started jogging. I just did as much as I could, maybe holding a run for 5 or ten minutes then walked to catch my breath, then run again. Now I can run 4 or 5 miles. Start slow and build up, you can totally do it!
  • Thanks for all the encouraging responses!! I see my doctor in a couple of weeks for an unrelated matter and I will ask her about this then. (I suppose I should have thought to do that first!) Thanks again!!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Get properly fitted for a decent pair of shoes then DItto what everyone else says start slow and work up.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I would get a good knee brace, some good shoes made for running, and start off by doing walking. If it doesn't hurt then pick it up to fast walk, then a jog and then start trying to run.
    Perhaps start out walking, and eventually start adding jogging intervals in between the walking. As you lose weight, you can continue to work your way up from there. Also start doing some resistance training to preserve your muscle as you lose fat.
    If you have already been diagnosed with knee problems I would talk to your doc first about running....then if he says ok follow the advice on here.
    But most importantly, ^^^THIS

    If the doctor gives you the all clear to try running, start with the C25K programme.

    I started with C25K and worked up over the summer. In 6 months, I've now done: two 5K races, three 10k races, one 8 mile race, one 10 mile race and one half-marathon.
  • basiak27
    basiak27 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started the C25K app - AMAZING! I actually enjoy running, mainly because it feels so good to finish each week and because I track my treadmill results after each run and it's so fun to see that I can run further and burn more each week. Try it, it's free!