New -

Started this log and the focus to get fit and lose 10 lbs. on Jan. 3rd, 2010. Have lost a solid 4 lbs but having a hard time getting past that. I run 2-4 days a week 5-8 miles and do the elliptical 2-3 days for an hour ea. My calories are almost never over the goal - Depending on how much I exercise that day I range from 1000-1500 for caloric intake. I drink 8-12 glasses of water every day. My onhly vise is a glass of red wine here and there. Feeling a little frustrated so I thought I look for help here...


  • carly_0069
    Hi there!! I am new here and am really enjoying the website. I find it very helpful to stay accountable for what I am eating and my excercise!! Is anyone here from the Kelowna (westbank) BC area???