Thinking of ditching WW for MFP



  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I have a couple of friends that do both.......
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    I think MFP is great. I've never done WW.

    But whatever you do, you need to actually stick with it and give it a chance.....
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    The two can go hand in hand. MFP is just a journal. It's what you make of it. I realize WW does points but it's all the same in the end. MFP has a community too. It just comes down to whether you think looking people in the eye every week is more motivational to you.

    I will say one thing about WW though. I followed it for a decade (not a real member, learned it from my mom) the most success I've had was joining MFP and the Eat More to Weigh Less group. Check it out.

    Good luck.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    Since have already paid for 3 months, why not do both. I have tried WW and so many other plans. Weight loss is not always steady. I am looking for something that will not be a passing fad or program. I get to eat what I want and if I am going to run low on calories, I exercise to get more calories. Just log what you eat and drink plenty of water. Good luck.
  • jessicaecohen
    jessicaecohen Posts: 6 Member
    I've been on WW for many years (on and off success) but decided to finally ditch it when they introduced the Pro Points Plan. I eat a LOT of fruit (easily eat an entire pineapple instead of a bag of chips) but felt that I was lying to myself when WW claimed that all fruits and veggies are zero. As you will see on MFP, that's not the case at all.

    However, I know lots of people that have been successful with WW so I guess it's just a matter of what works for you. Good luck :)
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I tried to make the switch from WW to MFP. I couldn't do it - I like counting points much better. I also like the weekly points for splurges, which is something they don't give you on MFP.

    That said, I like the MFP forums, so I stick around.
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    I like the WW Meetings,it was always helpful to have others to talk to about weight loss.That being said,I think that most of the leaders are trained to teach you that its all your fault if you are not losing weight..That you MUST be tracking wrong or not following the program correctly.I used to weigh and measure EVERYTHING when I was on WW..I would lose the first 2 weeks then lose SLOOOOOOOOOWLY anytime after that.It was hard to get on that scale knowing that you did everything right but losing nothing.The Leaders did not teach me that I could be "Up" from eating sodium or from exercise-they just gave me sympathy looks.

    I also think that they give you too many points to keep you as a member longer.

    As far as food goes..this site is better and the database is WAY better.WW has a deal with some of the food companies so those products are usually easiest to find in the WW database,others not so much.MFP has EVERYTHING In its database.

    This forum is better,but if you need that in person support WW is great..their website is also good for finding healthy meals.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I lost 44 pounds on WW last year, but then quit when they dropped the at work program. It was super expensive also. I just discovered that I would not go out of my way to go to meetings. Now that I have found MFP I would never go back. The support is phenomenal, a lot more than I ever had at WW and that was in person. The tools make it easy to know how much. It will be up to you to research and learn what is good for you and how to eat healthy.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I think you can do both.
    I've lost 25+ lbs this year on WW and several years earlier I lost 58 lbs on it. It works if you work it. It is a good way to learn to eat in a relatively healthy manner. It held me in good stead for many years, even though it meant going hungry a lot. It was the only way I could lose weight before.
    MFP is a nice adjunct to any eating plan you choose, including WW, but it won't teach you how to eat well and it doesn't care if you still eat cr@p food. It's a tracking program not an eating plan. I primarily use MFP as a way to track sodium. For my blood pressure. And to talk to other nutritarians who eat the way I do now. I've lost enough weight to return to WW for free as a Lifetime Member. Sometimes I drop in and share my success. It's good to be around like-minded people. The support is uplifting.
  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    I paid for 6 months online of WW and am 3 months in....I'm tracking in both. I like the WW but I don't see myself counting points for the rest of my life and I really would like to learn how many calories/carbs/protein/fat I'm eating at the same time...WW doesn't give you that breakdown.

    Just do both in the meantime...and then don't renew. That's my plan :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    The two can go hand in hand. MFP is just a journal. It's what you make of it. I realize WW does points but it's all the same in the end. MFP has a community too. It just comes down to whether you think looking people in the eye every week is more motivational to you.

    I will say one thing about WW though. I followed it for a decade (not a real member, learned it from my mom) the most success I've had was joining MFP and the Eat More to Weigh Less group. Check it out.

    Good luck.

    I used to be a WW leader and lifetime member. The biggest downfall with WW is the lack of explanation about "exercise points". WW is really, truly geared to people who do not exercise at all, or just exercise a little. WW encourages saving points for special occasions, and back when I did it you could collect up to 32 exercise points per week. Honestly, I probably earn over 200 per week (I am a dance instructor dancing about 20 hours/week, plus heavy liftnig, paddlebaording and cycling), but on WW, that was "not allowed", so what happens with very active people is they end up eating too few points (calories), coming to a stall on the weight loss, cutting back further, still not losing, getting frustrated and giving up, binging and gaining again.

    Because WW is trying to sell you their "secret" points program, they don't really want you to know that you can do this yourself by just counting calories (some people also like to watch macros too) -- but you can do that on here and get everything you need from food labels and the MFP database.

    To the point of the poster above -- many people (and especially very active people) do need to "Eat more to weigh less", and the group on here is fantastic in explaining that (I will not reinvent the wheel here, just go to the group and read the stickies). This does not mean eat more as in "eat everything in sight", it means to be aware of your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and eat more than that. There are many many overweight people restricting their calories for long periods of time but not losing. Why do you think that is? Hint: it's NOT because they're closet eaters cheating secretly. It's often bc their low cals have stalled them to the point that every little occasional extra causes a gain, but still they keep the cals low in general, only never can lose. Check out the group to find out much more.

    WW points for a person my size is equivalent to 1200 calories a day. With 32 exercise points saved up in a week, maybe I'd get 1300 per day. Trouble is, my BMR is 1350, and I work out about 25 hours a week. I need about 2000 calories a day, not 1300. The more active I became, the less effective WW was for me. I was eating too little, constantly exhausted, poor skin and hair, generally *****y and STALLED. I even started gaining slowly over a year just from occasional "special" events where I would eat more than what my body was used to on the very low WW points system. Once I learned about MFP, started counting calories and eating more than my BMR plus exercise "points" (calories), I felt much better, got stronger, accomplished more, moved the scale and got what I wanted all along.

    There are more specifics on my profile and some links if you're interested.

  • anndelaney67
    anndelaney67 Posts: 35 Member
    ive just finished doing a yr on line with ww i lost 56lb but when i saw this plan, thought exactly the same just counting calories not points so am going to give it a go as like people say its FREE saves you 10pounda month ,gd luck :smile:
  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm a WW drop out. It is expensive to go to the meetings. I'm doing better on MFP. I feel I have more accountability on MFP because I check in everyday and I have awesome friends on here. On WW, I went to the meeting once a week. The daily check in here is better for me.
  • libbymcbain
    libbymcbain Posts: 206 Member
    Go for it. This is free and the advice is better. This helps you learn about what you are eating and doing, encourages you to find the things that work for you and isn't trying to sell you some secretive scheme you'll be tied to for life.

    I to am a weightwatchers dropout. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, and they aren't free and there are differences between different fruits and vegetable sin terms of calories/fibre etc.

    Plus both the pc and phone based systems on MFP just work quicker.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    I've liked MFP much, much more than I ever did Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers had me on a calorie level that was simply unsustainable, and I hated the approach that certain foods were demonized, and frankenfoods seemed to be promoted. With MFP, it's just like running a budget -- I get X calories a day, and I can eat them *all* and I can make better choices. WW was good at first for reteaching me portion sizes, but I ended up hitting a plateau that wouldn't break, despite what I did or tried.

    I haven't lost weight as *quickly* with MFP as I did with WW, but I'm hoping that this time, the loss actually sticks. I feel much more empowered this time because I'm not relying on someone else to give me a points formula, and even as I've lost some weight -- not quite on target with my goal, but not all that far off, either -- I feel my fitness level improving. I couldn't maintain a 3.2 mph walking pace on WW, but now I can not only do that, but I'm actually *enjoying* couch to 5K. I'm also noticing good measurement changes -- I've lost an inch off my hips and waist, and my thighs are becoming leaner and much more muscular.
  • lily653
    WW taught me how to eat correctly. I disagree with the post above me and WW taught me to eat more whole foods and lay off the processed junk. WW taught me to make healthier choices, to add activity, and to eat smaller portions. Also to pre-plan, track, and get in important things like healthy oils, dairy, a multi-vitamin, etc. And foods were never demonized to me, quite the opposite actually. I learned I could eat the foods I loved, but it moderate proportions so as not to over do it. The only reason I left WW was because I couldn't pay for it anymore and because of the solid foundation I recieved there, I felt comfortable leaving and doing it on my own via MFP.

    I like MFP because it's free and it meets my needs as far as tracking my food. However, what I don't like is that I've seen a lot of false information given as truth on these message boards which can be very damaging to someone who is new to the process.

    Both will work for you, but only if you are truely honest with yourself about what you're putting into your body.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I've been doing Weight Watchers for about 4 weeks now. The first week I lost 3 lbs, the 2nd week (week of Thanksgiving) I only stuck to the diet for 2 days and lost a little over 1 lb, last week I lost 1 lb, and when I weighed this morning I've GAINED a lb. What's going on!! I stuck to my diet every day this week and hadn't even used all of my extra weekly points yet.

    I'm so confused by my progress on WW and I'm thinking about trying out MFP. I've done the calorie counting thing in the past and never had much luck with it. I think my problem was I had no idea how many calories I should actually be eating. At about 1300 calories/day I had gained 2 lbs in 1 week.

    Some basics-- I'm 24, 5'4", and 150 lbs. I've lost about 35 lbs within the last 2 years but I can't seem to consistently lose. I'll lose 15 and then gain 5 back. My goal weight is 135 and I'm afraid since I've already lost a bunch it's going to be super hard to get the last 15 off.

    Has anyone done WW in the past and had better luck on MFP? Or does anyone have any suggestions for me?
    Sorry, but what exactly are you confused about regarding your weight loss with Weight Watchers? In 4 weeks, including the week of Thanksgiving where you only stuck to it for 2 days, you've lost 4 pounds! That is great weight loss.

    The fact that you are up a pound this week could just be related to water retention. What did you eat yesterday? I know if I eat something high in sodium the day before my weigh-in I can be up as much as 2 or 3 pounds! And then the next week, that "gain" comes off, along with more. I've been doing WW for 40 weeks tomorrow, and I've lost 36 pounds so far. Some weeks, I only lose .5, the next week 1.5, the next week 0, etc. I've had a lot of weeks with no weight loss, but the next week makes up for it, and it all evens out. If it averages out to 1 lb per week or more, than you are doing it right.

    While doing WW, I am also using MPF and logging on here, and I really like it. I follow the points I'm supposed to eat, but log everything as well, so I can see how many calories I'm eating. I put my information in to MFP so I can see what they recommend that I eat, and it pretty much exactly matches my WW points for the day (points are based on other things besides calories, so obviously that number may fluctuate a little bit).

    I know from previous experience, with WW you really need to stick with it for at least 10 weeks or more before you really get the hang of things. If you give up at 4 weeks, then of course it isn't going to work. But based on your weight loss so far, I don't know why you'd give up - 4 lbs in 4 weeks is great.

    Here's what I suggest:
    Stick with Weight Watchers
    Be happy with 1 lb/week weight loss
    Log your food in MPF as well (enter your info in to see what MFP says should be your goals also).
    If you are using the Firefox browser, there is a plug in you can use, which will show you your WW points on your MFP food diary. Search the message board, you will find the info about it.

    Good luck!
    (forgot to mention, yes I go to get weighed in at WW and pay the $14/week but that is just to keep myself accountable - I don't stay for meetings.. If I just had to weigh myself at home - I know I would never stick to the plan. I need that accountability and it is too easy to lie to yourself when there is nobody else watching your scale. Then, rather than paying for WW online tools, I use MFP for free.
    Personally, the $14/week to go get weighed in, is worth it.)
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    on WW, that was "not allowed", so what happens with very active people is they end up eating too few points (calories), coming to a stall on the weight loss, cutting back further, still not losing, getting frustrated and giving up, binging and gaining again.

    WW points for a person my size is equivalent to 1200 calories a day. With 32 exercise points saved up in a week, maybe I'd get 1300 per day. Trouble is, my BMR is 1350, and I work out about 25 hours a week. I need about 2000 calories a day, not 1300. The more active I became, the less effective WW was for me. I was eating too little, constantly exhausted, poor skin and hair, generally *****y and STALLED.

    That was exactly what happened with me! When I stuck to WW religiously, I only got at max 1,300 calories a day -- and my BMR is around 1,440! I was able to actually lose weight when I started dating a guy who ate often, but healthily, and in large quantities. When I kept up with him, but ate half, I lost more weight, probably because I was eating more... When we broke up, I went back to the WW limit again, and not only stalled, but gained.
  • Screech008
    Screech008 Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with everyone else - MFP is a great thing. I have it on my smartphone and can input my food and exercise immediately so I always know where I stand during the day. WW was too much thinking for me...and points were more abstract for me than calories. I also go to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) weekly as an additional tool. I like TOPS because it's a much lower cost alternative to WW or other weightloss venues.

    The thing about TOPS (and WW if you attend the meetings) is that you have the accountability of the scale weekly. I need that. I need to know that someone besides me knows what's going on with my weight and I like having the actual living breathing people around me to talk to, in addition to those on here. If you join MFP, feel free to friend me - I would love to have more "friends" to support me and for me to give support to too.