Back on track

Hey everyone,
My name is Courtney and I'm a 23 year old mama!
I work full time taking care of developmentally disabled individuals. I volunteer 10-20hrs a week for Hospice and Boyscouts. I moved back in to my parents house in February to take care of my mother who was very sick, going through cancer and complications. I've been raising my daughter by myself since the beginning of October when I took the steps to get away from my husband!
And now... currently at the beginning of a divorce I have decided that it's time to stop putting myself on the back burner and fix these problems so that I can teach my daughter to eat nutritiously , and have a good relationship with food.
I had a lot of success using MFP last year before/during my pregnancy, and continued to lose through my pregnancy under the guidance of my obgyn. However, following the birth of my daughter, I had a major relapse. While I had lost 50+lbs before/during the pregnancy, I regained every pound by not putting any thought into what I was eating. I opted for convenience foods, and snacked constantly when I was too busy to make actual meals. Now that my daughter is starting to feed herself at 9 months, I snapped back to the realization that... she sees everything. She sees how we eat in my home, and she is learning even now! YIKESSSSS!

So now is the time to make changes and focus on fixing myself and I would love love love any encouragement or weightloss buddies to swap ideas, recipes, and motivation between!

I am starting with a 100lb weight loss goal. As I near that I may increase it, but I am going with realistic achievable goals right now! Anyone out there feeling ambitious? :)