When is the best time to weigh in?

Hi - out of curiosity - what is the best time of day to weigh in - the reason for my question is that I did a small experiment yesterday - I weighed myself when I woke up - around Midday day - around 3pm and then at 9pm - and as the day went on - my weight gradually increased - in the end, I was around 202 pounds - I started off the day at 198.9

Today is my official weighin - so I have stepped on the scale and I am 198.4 pubs - obviously this number makes me very happy - but am I cheating myself?



  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    I believe that through the day your weight can change 5pounds! I always weigh in the morning before I eat or drink. Otherwise I am weighing me and the food and water i have consumed too! (thats how I think anyway)
    Hope it helps x
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I don't think you are cheating yourself if you weigh yourself at the same time in the same situation the following week too. A loss if a loss. So if you weighed yourself this morning (great job on the numbers by the way), then just weigh yourself at the same time next week.
  • KristinaL
    I was always told to weigh yourself in the mornings when you first wake up ( naked to be very accurate.. lol) Your weight does go up and down through the day... so u wont have an accurate reading ... my doctor told me that my real weight is when I first wake up in the mornings... also I'm a Certified nurse assistant and I worked at a hospital and we always had to weigh our patients first thing in the morning before breakfast as soons as they woke up so the doctors had the best and accurate readings!!! Hope I helped you .. and congrats on the weight loss.. Keep it up!!!
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    I've heard your most accurate weight is when you first wake up, after you go to the bathroom. I also only like to weigh in once a week, unless the number seems abnormal (like after too much sodium or during my time of the month), then I'll do it twice in one week to check it.