Changes in Physical Apperance

kittypudding Posts: 17
to those who work out on a regular basis (lets say about 1-2 hours of cardio and 30min-1 hour of strength training about 5x per week) how long did it take before you saw a major change? it's only been a week for me, so i'm not expecting much, actually, i'm quite surprised that i can see the changes in my mid section already. i'd just like to know so i have some more motivation. =]


  • faupster
    faupster Posts: 86 Member
    The amount of time spent in the gym does not affect weight loss as much as the diet.

    I would say- 20 min cardio, 20 min weights, 10 cardio and with a solid diet changes will easily come.
  • Honestly, it's not just about the workout. When I was in highschool, I was a competitive swimmer and my workouts were six days a week/two and a half hours a day and I was still a little heavy. I wasn't pairing my workouts with a healthy diet and it totally showed! Once I realized that I needed to change up my lifestyle and start eating the right foods, I would say the changes came within two-three weeks. They were subtle and I was probably the only one who noticed them, but honestly, I think that made it all the more exciting! My face thinned out a little bit, I had some definition in my arms and I slimmed in my midsection. It felt awesome! I prefer noticing my how my body is responding to a healthy and active lifestyle way more than when people mention how skinny I look. Girl, you are about a week away from seeing great changes in yourself!
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