3rd day, and I have bombed the first two!



  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    It takes awhile to get used to making "good" food choices! I had a hard time with it at first, but everyone is right you can't make excuses for yourself. My husband is a natuarlly thin guy who can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound, but I on the other hand gain 10 if I even look at a piece of cake without working out after I eat it. So, it's all about moderation and it's all about thinking before you eat. Try and plan your meals ahead of time, if you think your going to go out, look at the menu online first if possible and plan what your having. This way when you get there, you don't have to look at the menu and all the deliciously high calorie things. Everyone is busy, it's just a matter of making time for exercise. Is there a way to get up early or stay up a little later to get a walk or run in? Don't give up! It does get easier!
  • 94nole
    94nole Posts: 3 Member
    gotta ditch the excuses.


    What they said...I did this for a long time before I committed. To date, I am down 31.2 lbs. Oh, I miss BK Whoppers and Papa Johns tremendously...but I feel way too good, about myself and physically/mentally to ever turn back now.

    And I have a lot more money to boot.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Great advice in this thread! Also, the first few days of logging calories is really where you see why you got to the point where you are. You now recognize WHY you are overweight. Next step is to plan what you are going to do about it.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • muttervonangel
    muttervonangel Posts: 8 Member
    i love everyones advice and i can definitely handle all the "quit making excuses" i just wish I could explain how I do not feel i am making excuses at all. i become very overwhelmed by being so spontaneous. planning is something i need to try, ive never planned my days meals. i do want this badly, and at the same time i feel completely suffocated by my life. has NO ONE ever felt this way? i just need a way to dig myself out! i'm the last person I think of in my day. im so worried about pleasing everyone else, i naturally completely disregard anything that has to do with ME.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Oh sure, I've felt that way. I was obese for years and blamed it on all kinds of things. You don't see them as excuses but once you learn that there are better ways and healthier habits, you'll see why they're seen as excuses. And not putting myself first was one of the problems too - comforting others and doing for others was always way more of a priority. You don't have to change your personality and give that up completely, just realize that you're just as worthy of care as others and start taking better care of yourself. Or maybe think of it this way - the healthier you are, the longer you can be around to be there for them.

    Glad to hear you're thinking more about planning. This can also help a lot with the budget. Getting meals out on a whim is way too tempting and expensive. The better option is to have something cooking in the crockpot or pre-cooked meats and veg in the fridge as another poster above suggested. Even if you're not a salad person, there are things you can do like take time on the weekends to cook up a couple casseroles and/or soups and freeze the portions so all you need to do is pop them in the microwave. Have frozen or canned veggies on hand (be careful oft hose with rice, pasta and sauces though) so all you have to do is microwave or heat them up quickly on the stove. It really can be easy once you start thinking about the options and putting that plan in place.

    Once you have a plan, instead of stopping at the Waffle House, you tell your boyfriend that you either want to go back home for dinner or go somewhere with healthier/low cal options. This is another thing you can pre-plan. Check the nutritional info on the websites of some of your favorite restaurants and write down the good options somewhere and tuck them in your purse. That way when that spontaneous dinner comes up, you can check your list and know there are still low cal options out there.

    And lastly, give yourself a bit of a break. It takes time to develop these healthy habits so pick one thing to change each week (or two or three weeks) and all the little things will add up in the end. Like this week, since you've already gone over twice, just make a commitment to keep logging and try to do better the rest of the week. Next week, have those meals planned. The next week, try staying in your calorie count every day. Then getting exercise in, fruits and veg, your water, etc.
  • johnnlinda
    You just made another excuse. You don't think about yourself. There are so many supportive people on here to help guide you. But you have to want it. To me right now you just want attention. It's hard, darn hard. But everyday, everyone on here makes a choice to be healthier. You have to at least try. So put your big girl panties on and step up and do it!

    Please don't take this wrong. I am very supportive. It sounds like you are making excuses. They don't get you anywhere. If you really want this, you can do it! Just stop having a pity party for yourself. If you want to eat more, workout. It's that easy. You can do fast food, just make good choices. Log everything. I know I may sound harsh to some, but it's sort of tough love. I love food! But from day 1 I had to learn to love less of it. If you need help, reach out. But you have to at least try.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    1st day on mfp, I ended up with pizza for dinner b/c of babysitting and bf was late getting home. 2nd day, i was all ready to cook dinner and bf comes home and says "lets go see the lights!" so we are going to grab something to eat on the way and end up at waffle house. i get the all star breakfast b/c it's b1g1 1/2 off and i need to save money. so both days ive gone over 1000+ calories from the 1490 that mfp suggested for me. i walked both days with the kids but geeze!!! now i see why im so fat. it's not fair! i have kids all day long, i'm stuck in this house, i just cant focus like i used to in 2009 when all I had to do was wake up and go to the gym and pay attention to how I was eating. I'm so frustrated.

    1.) Welcome to MFP! :)
    2.) Isn't it really crazy when you first start logging and starting to understand how much you really DO eat? I remember thinking "well i only eat twice a day it's not a lot!" and then "holy **** i've been eating 3,000 calories a day?!?!? As a matter of fact I logged everything i ate for a week without changing my habits JUST TO SEE what i was really consuming.
    3.) You say you have "kids all day long"? I'm not really sure what you mean by that. But lets just say that you DO have the option to change your habits and live a healthy active lifestyle. There are plenty of people who work numerous full time jobs, go to college while working full time, have kids and work, etc. who make it happen. You can too! It has nothing to do with "being fair" it is solely dependent on your actions and choices.

    I know it cant be frusterating at first, trust me i know, but if you make small changes and keep at it and realize this isn't just some quick fix and you can go right back to your poor eating habits then I think you will have great success.

    Best of luck!
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    Three words for you... Eat. At. Home. Don't let your plans to see lights or a movie or visit friends or whatever give you a reason to cheat on yourself. Cook and make simple meals at home. This will also alleviate the financial strain you mentioned with needing to save money at Waffle House! Try to stay at home for meals as much as possible and you will be rewarded with feeling much better from not eating tons of extra sodium and fats as well as saving your family money.

    Portion control. This is a big one. If your only option right now is Taco Bell or Pizza Hut then have one taco or one slice of pizza, then go home and make a sandwich or a meat and 2 vegetables. Sometimes social circumstances force us to eat to socialize so have one small portion and then eat a big healthy meal later.