Last day smoking!

PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
Today is the end of my 1st week into the Chantix starter pack...Tomorrow is my quit day! Ive tried so many times to quit cold turkey with no success! Only lasted a day most times. I dont have any willpower!

Chantix doesnt seem to be helping much so far, im hoping once I start into the 2nd week pack, with the stronger pills that it will take away the need for a smoke more. Im still smoking as much...but I have noticed im putting it out before im done because it doesnt taste the same.

Does it take a while for the pill to kick in or should it have by now? Im terrified to quit...I know that sounds silly. But I keep thinking what the heck am I gonna do??? No more smoke breaks, nothing in my hands, not having to worry about having smokes...I know those are things I should be happy about but it just terrifys me. And terrified of gaining weight of course. But thats all just replacing smoking with if I can stay away from extra food im good!

I need to do this, I WANT to do this, im ready and its time. I have a little girl that I dont want to grow up smoking, or see her parents smoke. I feel horribly guilty about the smell on me and it getting into her poor little lungs...and the money I could be spending on her im wasting on smoking! Im done...

I just thought id share this...maybe it will help me more in quitting! Anyone have any tips for me to stay quit??? I saw a post about chantix just a few days ago...and I did download that quit now app! I cant wait to start feeling better!!!!


  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    Posting this thread is a great way to make sure you quit, because if you don't we're all going to point at you and laugh.

    (Congratulations and Good Luck!)
  • PibblesRun
    PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
    LOL thanks...Maybe I need that! :laugh:
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    I don't know what Chantix is... but I stopped on Saturday with an e-cig... I'm addicted to my e-cig but at least that won't kill me :P
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    How about this for encouragement:

    If you REALLY want to do it, you can do it!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You can do it. And don't worry about what you will do once you quit... it becomes something you don't even think about.

    I still smoke in the evenings but am about to quit that entirely as well, but I used to smoke during the day at work. I would take up to 10 smoke breaks a day and shoot the sht with my coworkers outside. Something clicked after the New Year last year and, when we got back from our Christmas break, I just decided I wasn't going to go out and smoke anymore. I haven't taken a single smoke break this year. I was tired of standing outside and looking lazy to anyone who would come in or out. The idea isn't appealing and now I goof off on MFP instead. ;P Not sure if I traded one bad habit for another, but it proves I can do it.

    And so can you. Don't worry about the 'ifs', just take it one day at a time. And be careful with the Chantix. It can and does help, but some of the side effects can be strong for some people. If you get dizzy or feel ill, talk to your doctor.

    Best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I found success with the patch and, I've been smoke free almost 2 years after 35 years of smoking. I don't crave, hardly ever think about it. Chantex made me smoke more, but it works differently for everyone. Good luck to you, OWN the quit, just like we OWN our weight loss. Try sucking on sugar free cinnamon candy and put a cinnamon stick in your water, cinnamon oil and extract are added to most cigs and that tip helped me a lot.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Good luck, I used chantix twice only to start up again. But it has worked for some people so don't get discouraged.

    However if it doesn't work, research and find a good ecig. It wasn't until I found one that I liked that I was able to quit smoking.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Get the QuitNow! app on your phone. It's amazing and I am now 142 days quit (cold turkey) with it's help!

    Good for you! It's so worth it!
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    I feel your pain and fear! I finally won the quit battle in March this year. I had tried everything there is and yes even Chantix. Nothing worked. I finally tried the electronic cigarettes. It gave me that something to fiddle with while I quit cigarettes. I still had that inhale and exhale "smoke." I used a brand (not sure if you can promote brands here) but I used one that I purchased online that has different levels of nicotine cartidges (and different flavors as well.) Everytime I ordered a new set of cartidges I reduced the level of nicotine until I was at zero. I have been completely off cigarettes since March completely off e-cigs since August and have not looked back. I never have that urge even if I'm around a smoker, it does NOT make me want one.

    I wish you the BEST of luck on Chantix!! I truely hope it helps you quit!! If it doesn't work, don't give up. Try something else until it does work. Everyone is different and you will come across that one thing that works.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Good luck, I used chantix twice only to start up again. But it has worked for some people so don't get discouraged.

    However if it doesn't work, research and find a good ecig. It wasn't until I found one that I liked that I was able to quit smoking.

    Yep, <- this is the one I use. It's a lot better and has more safety features than your average $60 USB e-cig. It is well built and I have literally dropped it on the concrete several times, it's held up to some serious abuse. You just have to occasionally buy replacement batteries and atomizers, along with your e-juice.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    My husband and I quit 13 years ago on his birthday. Use the money you would have spent on ciggies and pamper yourself. Get a beauty treatment or outfit you would not have otherwise. For the first 6 months pamper yourself like that! You can totally do it.:smile:
  • PibblesRun
    PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks guys! I do have an E cig...didnt really help me, but maybe that combined with the chantix will work. I know this IS my time to quit...I will do it!
  • btwalsh132
    btwalsh132 Posts: 289 Member
    Best of luck, be strong and keep thinking about the good your doing your body and wallett. FYI - I've been there, have dropped several nasty habits. If I can do it so can you.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I quit St Patrick's day you can do this! Good luck.
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    How's it going so far :)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    after your smell comes back ( you might not even know you can't smell very good as a smoker) and you start smelling how horrible other smokers stink, you will be so glad you no longer smell like stale crap.

    keep track of the cash you are no longer spending to kill yourself.

    breath deep and often and appreciate the ability to do so.

    notice smokers standing outside smoking and appreciate you will no longer be one of them.

    make a list of the benefits of quitting and refer to it often.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I smoked for 26 years and tried to quit several times.
    I completely understand being scared. It is scary because you're giving something up that's been a big part of your life.
    One thing I discovered was that until you're absolutely ready to quit for you, it's not gonna happen. Hopefully you're ready.
    Quitting smoking was (by far) the hardest thing I have ever done in my life but I was determined to do it. It has been over 5 years now since I quit and I have discovered a whole new way of life. My days used to revolve around smoke breaks, and the damage I did to my lungs made it impossible to do anything physical. Now, 5 years later my heart and lungs are in better shape than they were when I was 18. I now run or cycle almost every day.
    If you're absolutely ready to quit smoking, nothing will stop you. It will be the hardest thing you've ever done but it will be so worth it.
    Take it one minute at a time if you need to. That's what I did.

    Good luck to you.
  • sueb12345678
    sueb12345678 Posts: 41 Member
    I gave up on champix This was my secound try and i still needed a lot of will power but i just did'nt want to smoke any more the smell and the cough and i wanted to run on a treadmill like other people at the gym... I have done it was a year on the 12th Novemember 2013... I have had some bad time in the last year but i feel so much better..
    Keep Going....
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    One of the great things about quitting smoking I found was you no longer plan a day around cigarettes, when you were a smoker how many times would you make sure you had a cigarette before and after doing something like going on public transport, or in and out of the car. Or having that cigarette before dinner. How many times were you planning your day when you could have a smoke?

    I will confess I am an awful ex-smoker, it makes me sad now when you go out for the day and you see parents trying to find the smoking area in a theme park or other places like that, and you see the kids standing either in the smoking area or just outside it. Either way in my opinion that is poor from a parent, you either bring the child into the smokey atmosphere or you leave the child standing away from you - is the little white stick really more important in your life than your child?
  • Good luck
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    The e cig made me want one even worse.

    Please Be CAREFUL with Chantix. Listen to the warning about suicidal thoughts and really moniter how you're feeling! I would never even think about committing suicide or anything like it. Shortly after two weeks of Chantix though, one night I was laying in bed visualizing walking into the bathroom and cutting my wrists... for absolutely no reason. Told my boss about it the next day (I work for a psychiatrist) and he sent word to my husband to remove anything from our house that could be used as a weapon.
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I quit cold turkey twice. The first time after smoking for two years. I was pregnant so it was super easy. The second time was after 6 years of smoking. That time was a little harder because I wasn't pregnany. Minty toothpicks helped me. Or find some sugar free hard candy. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • My Mom and Dad both smoked for 40 years. My Dad came home from work one day and said "I Quit." He never smoked again and didn't appear to have any problems.

    My Mom tried to quit. Took her about a year and she was a total b itch the whole time. As soon as my Dad died, she started smoking again.
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    I saw someone put on this forum in response to a quitting smoking thread:

    "I quit 40 ish years ago and was one of the best things I have ever done, You will not regret giving up, only that you smoked for so long."

    That is so true!