The Battle of the Bathroom Spider!!

d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
Not cool!, Not cool!... I REALLY had to poop.... so I go to the bathroom..... THERE WAS A GIANT SPIDER IN THE TOILET...I MEAN HUGE HUGE.....I quickly snapped a shot from a distance then I quickly dived for the handle to flush the sucker..I flushed the toilet and it just p!$$ed the spider off, it's all flailing with it's legs out .He went down with the water so I'm like whew got the sucker! Then all of a sudden I noticed the spider under the water float back to the top and to the toilet rim and tried to climb out. Darn thing would not DIE!! So I flushed and flushed.. threw in toilet paper and flushed some more to hope the paper would trap that little sucker.. Finally I got to poop but I had to check for spiders after each kid got dropped off at the pool. I REALLY HATE SPIDERS.. Pretty sure this one was poisonous!



I really really dislike spiders. Look at that thing, he was waiting for me. The more I thought about it, the more deviant I think that spider was. Not only did he want to kill me, he wanted to kill me in an embarrassing way.. Think about that.. Dying from a spider bite on your rear would be a horrible way to go! To make matters worse as I was walking by the bathroom later I noticed ONE OUTSIDE the door. I'm going to make work spray and kill those buggers. It's winter time, they should all be dead!