When in doubt... EAT AT SUBWAY!!!



  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    That's funny, something similar happened to me on Saturday. I went out on a girls night, but planned to stay under my calories. Well once you start drinking and party mix and cupcakes are offered to you, it's harder to say no. Plus I was having a good time! Went out dancing all night and had a blast. When I got up the next day, I dreaded getting on the scale, because it hadn't been moving at all the past couple weeks... but I sucked it up, stepped on... and lost 2lbs. :D Told myself I needed to go out drinking more. Ha. ;)

    I would imagine it was dehydration that caused the loss... Always happens to me after a night of drinking.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member

    I sincerely hope whoever decided to do that to that poor terrified animal gets cancer and dies rotten.
  • 2BeFit4Jesus

    I sincerely hope whoever decided to do that to that poor terrified animal gets cancer and dies rotten.

    I second that.
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    i eat there almost daily. they have a ton of healthy options that taste great, and it's portion controlled, so that makes it a great part of my maintenance plan.

    turning to the menu selection in the OP, however, i'd have to point out that the sandwich described is at least 1,200 calories with 56 grams of fat.

    that's two big macs. your body doesn't care which restaurant it comes from. calories are calories, and the key is to burn more than you take in. Subway has some awesome healthy sandwiches, but the footlong CBR isn't low cal, low fat, or low anything.

    surprisingly, even the steak and cheese is a fairly good choice : 380 cals, 10 grams of fat.

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeup - 1,200 calories of F%$KING AWESOME. Thus the "screw the diet" declaration. :smile:

    I'm not at all saying "Eat anything you want at Subway and you'll lose weight." I'm saying that I decided to take a "break" from all the counting and measuring and worrying and the results were frankly surprising. I didn't add the sub to my diary yesterday, but prior to dinner I had about 850 calories "left". So in reality I didn't go that far over - and that's for "sedentary" activity.

    Today is actually my day off, and I've "sat" for all of maybe an hour...! I think I'm going to go relax now!