Starting at nearly 320. Long journey ahead of me.



  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member

    Feel free to add me if you like!

    If you can't afford a gym membership... Do you have Netflix? They have some great work out videos on there... you can also usually find exercise equipment for really cheap at thrift stores... Working out in the winter months is hard, But weight loss is about 80% diet anyways! You can do it!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Fad diets don't work! Diet pills don't work. And the library has free exercise videos! Good Luck!
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    Don't let the cold stop you! If you live in Boise, bundle up and take a walk around the Greenbelt. Hell, if you don't live in Boise, bundle up and walk anywhere. By the time you get going, you won't notice the cold. Start small!
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Hello and Welcome,

    For those on a budget and can't join a gym yet, I would suggest youtube, they have tons of work out videos for free1

    Good luck to you on your journey :)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
  • tbeartrue
    Hi, My name is Mikaela. I live in Idaho and I am currently at my largest of 318lbs. I really want to become healthy and I would love to have a beach body sometime in this life but sometimes it feels like an endless struggle that will never happen. I am going to start on the 'Food Lovers Diet' tomorrow and hopefully that will help encourage me to get going. I also am taking a product called Liv Sxinny that helps to alkalize my body. It is cold and so I don't know where I am going to find a source of exercise and I am on a tight budget so I can't get a gym membership. Please Help! I need to lose this weight due to health problems and all over mental health and I really need help staying motivated.
  • tbeartrue
    Yes i am at 304 and i know what you are going through..just found this site ...maybe we can encourage each other!!
  • blood6338
    blood6338 Posts: 90 Member
    I started at 318 as well and I'm down about 40 (lost about 10 before starting MFP). Remember slow and steady wins the race. You didn't put on the pounds over night so don't expect them to come off overnight. If you deprive your body too severely you won't be able to stick to any diet for very long. Being from Texas winter's here are pretty mild so I don't often have too much trouble going walking, etc. outside. But there are tons of things you can do inside the house...walking in place, lifting some dumbells if you have them or even cans of vegetables as you walk in place. You can do pushups against the wall or some other piece of furniture and do squats or lunges in the livingroom. Google exercises you can do indoors without weights...I'm sure you'll find tons of ideas.
  • msmistyb
    Hi Mikaela.....I am also over 300.....can't tell you exactly how much over b/c I am too scared to weigh. I am also just beginning this journey.....unsure about exercise in this cold weather. I friend requested you.......I would love to have a partner in this journey.
  • BWade1002
    mikaela, remember that "long road ahead" gets shorter everyday.. one step at a time!
  • snowboardn
    Don't fret, I just started yesterday at 308, so I have a long journey in front of me as well. I will tell you what helped me this morning; I used to stop at the gas station and get an energy drink, a beef stick and a breakfast sandwich. This morning I wasn't feeling satisfied so when I was buying my water I started looking at the breakfast burritos, turned it over to look at the "nutrition" value... 510 calories for a tiny burrito!!! No thanks that would have ruined the rest of my day! Log your Cals here and make sure you look before you eat, it may just change your mind before hand.
  • 4mydogs
    4mydogs Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome to your new life!! It is scary and exciting all at the same time. My little bit of advice I can give you are these, do whatever plan works for you, I like to keep my calories at about 1400 plus a little extra on those days I excercise. Also I try to eat whole foods, no processed or diet foods just real foods with lots of veggies and fruits. Move your body each day, I walk my dogs each day for 30 mins and now I do strengtht training and cardio sessions. When I started I just focused on moving each day, I started with 10 mins of walking, you don't need money to excercise just go to the mall and walk, walk outside bundled up, walk around your house. Also for more structured excercise a good place to start are Leslie Sansone walking dvd's or on cable or sat tv they have excercise shows in the on demand, you can do them in front of the tv in your own home. My biggest peice of advice is please don't let one bad day or food choice derail you, for years I would beat myself up when I "dieted" and messed up, this is not an all or nothing, its just one meal or one day. You just get back up the next day and move forward and don't worry about the past. There is lots of support here and lots of folks who have really been successful losing lot's of weight and have great advice. Most of all you can do this!!!!
  • BWade1002
    @ mikaela were kind of in the same boat! i am in ohio, so cold too.. but i asked for a gym membership for christmas (boooo) lol i need to get my bp under control and would like to have more kids in the next five years, its kind of now or never.. i am here if u need me!
  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi there!! When I gave birth to my daughter in March, I was 302 lbs.. I went down to 290, and then it stopped coming off. I'm proud to say that MOSTLY becuse of the support I get here, I'm now down to 235 lbs!! I started here in May :) Just put your mind to it, and you can achieve anything. The hardest thing for me is getting through the plateau's.. it's so hard not to just give up, but push through, it'll be worth it!
  • bjcapshaw
    Good luck you can do it! When the scale hit 298 I got scared and started my journey. Just remember food doesnt make us fat. Overindulgence of it is what makes us fat. Win one meal at a time, one day at a time. Then it starts to become a habit and then a lifestyle. I wasnt overnight that one gets unhealthy and it wont be obernight that you get healthy! You can do it! Difference between success and failure? Success gets up one more time :-) Keep getting up
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Good luck. it may seem a long way to go, but you can do it if you stick to a plan.

    A while back I posted a blog with some good tips and links for beginners.
  • ckeys2008
    As far as exercises go I (depending on what type of cable service you have) I'd recommend the fit channel (I have Comcast) I do their 5 minutes exercises all the time. Right now I'm on the abs and it's killin me!! LOL Although you on'y do it for just 5 minutes you'll be spent by the time you're done. Also, do what I started doing. JUST DANCE!!! Turn on the radio and just dance around your living room. You'll burn calories and work up a sweat, and have fun! If you ave kids, get them involved. Be silly and just have fun. If you have stairs in your home you can do those as well. Do push-ups on your wall. lift "weights" with bottles of water or canned food. There are so many possibilities within your home it's ridiculous.

    The most important thing, I think, is just to do what makes you comfortable. Don't try so hard. If you do the same routines daily after a while you begin to realize that you can do a little more each day. :-) Good luck to you!
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    Hi, and welcome to MFP! I think that the one thing that is helping me with this is that I found out what my TDEE is, so those days when I want to go over a bit on calories, I just make sure I don't go over my TDEE ... which is actually, fairly high. At least that way, I'm maintaining my weight, not gaining.

    It may take you a long time to get to where you want (trust me, I know; I started out at 270 and am at 255 now), but setting short term goals might help. I said that I was going to lose five pounds - twenty times! The trick is just making sure it's not the SAME five pounds. ;-)

    Sending you a friend request, because support is so important ... without it, I'd surely fail.
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    I started off at 297 so I know the struggle. My first step in losing weight was I made a conscious decision to eat better and try and exercise. I first stopped eating fast food, then I stopped eating almost all processed foods. I made all meals at home so I could control the ingredience. Making homemade meals will help you control your calorie intake.

    For exercise I started walking at a slow pace and for a short time and then started to increase my speed and time. If you cannot go outside because of the cold then I would suggest getting those walk at home dvds and start there. My mom lost 85lbs doing just that, walking in her room using Leslie Sansone's dvds. I then moved to Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred for toning and to lose inches. Now I run to help keep my cardio up.

    You can do this! Make short term goals for yourself (i.e. lose 5lbs by xx/xx/xxxx, walk x amount of miles by x date). Just remember to concentrate on short term goals just as much as your long term goals. If you constantly think, "I have 100lbs to lose," then you will get discouraged. Stay positive!
  • Timetolose2012wendy
    Hi, you can add me too if you would like!
    I too just more or less started on this journey and believe me- I'm not perfect and have my share of frustrating days. BUT here are some things that help me:
    1. Like they said above; log everything- if you are embarrassed, just don't share your diary. then only you know what you have eaten.
    2. Make friends on here. My friends on here are supportive and help me when I fall.
    3. Go on youtube- you can start yoga - which I have started. It won't hurt you and it will burn some calories off. I got a skipping rope and I try to skip a couple of times a week=- but don't always make it. The main thing is that it cost about 5 dollars for the rope and I can do it in my living room. So there are 2 things you can do when the weather is nasty. It is cold here too and I am always looking for ways to lose weight inside.

    Good luck and you have done the right thing starting on here- the support is extremely helpful.