
New here, have about 60 lbs still to lose. Lost 25 lbs on Weight Watchers, but I found the Points to be too restrictive and I didn't like the way the plan was structured. Just looking for tips anyone has, how you've made this work for you. Here are my areas where I struggle. I beat myself up all the time if I slip up - I will do great all day and just fall off at night and go to bed feeling angry at myself. I feel like I'm putting too much pressure on myself and that's making losing weight that much harder. I started out putting in my profile that I wanted to lose 2 lbs a week, but I don't think I'll be able to sustain a net of 1210 calories a day. I changed it to 1.5 lbs/week and I think that will be better, I want this to be sustainable rather than lose a lot fast and then get stuck, and already be at a low calorie level with nowhere to go.

My other trouble area is obsessing about losing weight, food, calories. I think about it all the time about how I can structure my day when it comes to food. I know that planning is good to a point, but I don't think I should be thinking about it this much. Any advice on how to break the mental barriers and just embrace this as a lifestyle change?

Lastly - any advice on good workouts? I have an elliptical, stationary bike and a nautilus-type home gym. I've got so much at hand when it comes to resources, and I use my elliptical almost every day, but I want to work in some other exercises as well. Sorry this is all over the place, I just feel a little lost and not sure how to really kick it into gear.