Anyone nursing and watching their diet?

I am currently nursing my 4 month old but still trying to gradually lose weight. I am aware that I need to lose weight slowly so that toxins are not released in my milk to the baby. Anyone else nursing and also trying to lose weight out there. I had been losing about a pound a week over the past month but now have hit a plateau....any ideas?


  • ljervisleah
    ljervisleah Posts: 15 Member
    How many calories are you consuming? Are you still taking your prenatals? Are you drinking approx 2-3 qts of water a day? Is your diet mostly whole foods? How active are you? All these can play into weight-loss...
    My lil one is 9wo today. I lost all the weight and then some after my last, I'm hoping for an encore but it is not easy when looking at the weight-loss from this end, lol. I'm aiming for 5 lbs a month.