Jillian's Total Body Revolution


I am planning to start JTBR from Dec 10. I weigh 176lbs and I am 5' 7" tall. My goal weight is 140lbs. I bought JTBR since I hardly find time to hit the gym. 30 mins a day seems doable. I am vegetarian and hence her meal plans isnt of great use to me. I am planning adding a lot of beans, quinoa, veggies, fruits to my diet and try keeping it at 1200 calories per day.

I am here for some motivation/encouragement and a place to mark my progress so that I do not stop or deviate from my goal.

It will be great if anyone else is planning on starting this program and we could be workout buddies and a source of inspiration to keep it going.

I will post weekly update here.

Wish me Luck!


  • krisanusha
    krisanusha Posts: 3 Member
    Started workout1 from phase 1...feeling awesome to have started it...

    I did not do the kickstart your metabolism...went straight ahead with the main workouts...
    not following her meal plan..but making sure I am eating right and keeping my calories around 1200...

    wish me luck... i really need the encouragement from all you wonderful people...:smile:
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    There is a group, search for Jillian Michaels body revolution, and join!