A little bit of a rant..



  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I forgive myself because I don't want to spend the next two hours in the bathroom with my fingers down my throat. I forgive myself because it's over-eating, not murder -- and in the long run, it's not the bingeing that matters, but the reasons behind the bingeing... which, by the way, cannot be uncovered or remedied if you're in a constant state of self-hate, regret, and guilt over a box of damn cookies.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Recalibrate to worry about your own journey. I think lack of accountability is rampant in lots of areas, and the only anecdote is to mind your own business.
    In support of this though, I just heard a girl at the beauty shop decline an invitation to enter a weight loss contest with her coworkers because "she'd gained 70 lbs and is unable to lose even one now and even Mayo Clinic can't find the reason why".

    So your post is to tell OP that you think they should mind their own business and not make posts like this, right?

    (I hope your ironimeter pegged full when you posted that...because mine sure did when I read it.)
  • lollyish
    lollyish Posts: 75 Member
    Haven't added this many people as friends in ages. I agree with OP very sick of seeing constant excuses.
  • MizManda180
    MizManda180 Posts: 68 Member
    Go eat a cookie and get over it. People will always be annoying. Learn to ignore and focus on yourself. If they want to make excuses then let them. Their excuses aren't adding inches to YOUR waist, so why get all worked up over it?
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Whining is annoying, most people can agree with that statement. I don't see how anyone could get offended by that..
  • I get what you are saying....but I've learned to ignore those kinds of people. If they ask for my opinion, I'm going to give it (and I'm sure they won't like it) but if they don't... eh.

    I have a sister that is just like this. She will be the first one to complain, but honey, if you seen what the heck she ate, you'd be like...WOW really???? I save my breath. If someone TRULY wants to do this the right way, and TRULY wants to do it period, they will. You can lead them to all the websites, and great advice but you can't make them take it in and actually do it.

    ::Shrugs:: My journey is soooooo important to me, everyone else's journey is just that... theirs.
  • kdt000
    kdt000 Posts: 27 Member
    I will admit I've done it - and I've also been one of those.. "oh well, I've already messed up today - might as well not worry about the rest of the day" but I am trying not to - and people on here who are tough love "stop making excuses" are great gifts to me because it pushes me to stop being a baby about it. So I thank you all for motivation to not be a whiner! I am not a self-motivated person so that's why I love message boards! :-)
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I remember talking to a friend about exercising regularly and she said..." Well, I find it sooo hard...I have a husband and two kids and a full time job..." Then she looked at me and said, " Oh...you do too, don't you?"

    No one said it was easy...it is hard to change habits and make good choices all the time. That is why I don't make good choices ALL THE TIME. I still have to live and enjoy this life. I am just not going to whine about not losing weight, when I know darn well why I haven't.

    Do or do not...there is no try...

    Well said!
  • Honestly the best thing to do is to ignore them. It is annoying but until they make the choice to change no one will be able to get through to them. Excuses are dangerous and can hinder any progress. I know from personal experience that the more excuses someone has the more likley they will not meet their goals. If they are like I was before I stopped makeing excuses they might even just give up. The mental part of weightloss is just as powerful as the physical and until both are in balance it will be a struggle.
  • you can make excuses, or you can make progress.
    hakuna matata