Help I can't loose weight



  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Oh and I've been trying for about 5-6 weeks now. What I don't get if the magic is calories in vs. calories out and essentially I've only got about 300 net calories a day how in the heck can my body hang onto the fat. I'm 5ft 7in and weight in at 198.

    Food, calories, is your body's fuel, like gasoline is to cars. You need it. I'm not a dietician or a nutrition expert, but I am very sure you need to be eating more calories. A net of 300 calories a day is not enough; your body thinks it's starving, and is holding on to it's surefire source of fuel, should you stop eating altogether. Your body doesn't know you're trying to lose weight, it just knows you're not giving it what it needs, and it's trying to survive. Up your calories!
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    Agreed with Mokey. And if you cant eat more maybe try to do a daily calorie burn closer to 300-500. You might be over doing it and your body holds on to water for sure
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Oh and I've been trying for about 5-6 weeks now. What I don't get if the magic is calories in vs. calories out and essentially I've only got about 300 net calories a day how in the heck can my body hang onto the fat. I'm 5ft 7in and weight in at 198.

    Netting 300 calories a day is NOT healthy. You need to eat and fuel your body, especially if you're working out that much.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Agreed with Mokey. And if you cant eat more maybe try to do a daily calorie burn closer to 300-500. You might be over doing it and your body holds on to water for sure

    There's no such thing as can't eat more unless she has a disorder. Eat more calorie dense foods, it's really easy.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Make your diary public so we can look at it and give you more accurate opinions/advice.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Aside from what the others said about eating more....also record measurements. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat and measurements will help let you know how much you really are progressing.
  • I don't know how to make my diary public. At any rate I don't track my exercise just what I eat there. The exercise portion of the app is to limited to be useful.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    No What I meant was if she doesn't eat more as in like 2000 or more a day then she shouldnt be working out so hard sry
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You go into your settings and then under your diary settings. At the bottom it gives you options as to who you want to be able to see your diary.

    And even though it is limited - log your exercise so you can see the calories you are working with. If the exercise isn't listed, you can always add it.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Eating 1200 calories but burning 900 of them through exercise? That's called anorexia, seek professional counseling.

    Starving yourself isn't the way. Unless the way is being dead.
  • Okay made it publc.
  • Not trying to starve myself, just frustrated that the scale won't move. It is the first time I've ever had this problem. I gained the weight through 2 consecutive pregnancies. Beforehand I was always active but had to stop do to some frightening signs I might miscarry. My youngest is 2 months old. Just so you know I am not breastfeeding.
  • BMI is a number, not a percentage. So is your BMI 35 or do you have 35% body fat?

    Given your level of exercise, you are not eating enough at all. Most likely you are malnourished given the 1200 calories a day and extensive diet. I can safely assume that without knowing your height even.

    You should calculate your TDEE and set your calorie goal to TDEE -20%.

    Think of weight loss like a seat belt... if you jerk it really fast, it'll stop. If you calmly and slowly pull it, it goes.

    This^^^^^ x 10
  • Oh and I've been trying for about 5-6 weeks now. What I don't get if the magic is calories in vs. calories out and essentially I've only got about 300 net calories a day how in the heck can my body hang onto the fat. I'm 5ft 7in and weight in at 198.

    Educate yourself on BMR and TDEE. You are slowly starving yourself. I would start with your calculated TDEE less 20% as your net daily calorie intake.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Since 11/26 - you've gotten to 1200 calories 2x . On average, you are eating about 900-1000 calories a day. And if you are working out for at least an hour..and lets say you are burning 300 calories....that's not good.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Please read this and calculate your calorie needs. TDEE - 20-30%.

    There's a huge group of us who finally "got it" and now eat enough to be healthy and allow our bodies to lose fat. Look for IPOARM. For reference, I am 5'8 and eat 2,000 a day. Just talked to another girl today who is 5'7 and will be eating 1800-1900 a day. Do the numbers. Don't let MFP set your calorie goal for you.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Oh and I've been trying for about 5-6 weeks now. What I don't get if the magic is calories in vs. calories out and essentially I've only got about 300 net calories a day how in the heck can my body hang onto the fat. I'm 5ft 7in and weight in at 198.

    Patience, and keep tweaking things. It took me almost 3 months to find my "magic number" and after you lose you might have to find it again. I agree with everyone on eat back your exercise-since basically you're running off nothing a day otherwise-even give yourself more of an allowance.
  • Zenyehtta
    Zenyehtta Posts: 37 Member
    Please listen to everyone about learning what your BMR and TDEE are.

    No one ever should eat less than 1200. Your body needs at the very least 1200 calories just to keep your organs healthy. (They need calories to function!) And 1200 is probably too few for your height (and definitely much to little for your exercise level)

    Having 1200 net calories isn't a bad thing. 300 on the other hand, is.
  • You are eating too few calories. Your body needs fuel to live and be healthy. I looked at your diary and your dinners especially are too low. I agree you need to work out your BMI and TDEE and take it from there. IPOARM would really help you if you read it and try it for yourself. Good luck friend me if you want support.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    First of all, is your husband in the military? If so, thanks for the sacrifices you make as a military spouse. It makes me want to help you all the more - get you lean and mean for him when he gets home. :)

    I agree with what everyone is saying about BRM and TDEE. Check out this calculator which will help a lot:

    I punched some numbers in - female, 32, moderate exercise (which sounds like you're at least doing) and I guessed at your weight and height - you can put the right numbers in for yourself.

    Based on my guesses, your BMR would be 1514, this is what your body burns every day at rest - basically if you didn't get out of bed all day. If you go much below this, your body slows down to conserve calories and may burn muscle for fat - all bad things.

    Your TDEE would be 2348, that's what your body burns including the exercise. EAT LESS THAN YOUR TDEE and you will lose weight! 500 calories under would be 1848 x 7 days is 3500 calories or 1 pound. If you want to go down to 1500 calories, that's 800 x 7 is 5600, roughly 1.5 pounds a week.

    Put the right numbers in and let us know what you get.

    Three other suggestions for your to consider:

    1. Try eating 5-6 "mini-meals" throughout the day. I've found this helps stimulate your metabolism and keeps your energy level and blood sugar stable through the day. If your goal for the day is 1800 calories, do 6 meals of 300 calories each. Make sure you get plenty of protein to feed your muscles. For example, I eat 1/2 a chicken breast with a little shredded cheese in half a wheat flatbread with a couple of pretzels - easy 300 calorie meal.

    2. On your workouts, think about increasing the intensity a bit - not the duration, the intensity. You want to get your heart rate up. I do a "H.I.I.T. workout 3 times a week - High Intensity Interval Training. You can use any machine (or go on the street) but I use a treadmill. 2 minute warm-up, then intervals: walk 1 minute, jog 1 minute, run 1 minute, sprint 1 minute. Do 5 intervals. On the last interval, push yourself as much as you can handle. Then cool-down for 5 minutes. Total time is a half-hour, and I'd be willing to bet you'll burn more calories then you are right now - and your metabolism will be seriously REVVED. Do this every other day at most - it's challenging.

    3. Consider working some lifting in. Building muscle is a very good thing. Muscle looks great and also helps stimulate your metabolism. I lift on my non-HIIT days and then do 30 minutes of moderate cardio on an elliptical.

    Make sure you log your workouts. I didn't see them in your diary. You need to account for the calories you burn in the workouts, since you're talking about your NET calories vs your TDEE and BMR. Your NET probably shouldn't be lower than 1200. So if you eat 1800 calories and burn 500, that puts you around 1300 NET which is probably in the ballpark of being right (although I'm guessing - use the calculator and see for yourself).

    Hope that helps!