any mom's feel this way??



  • MartialAngel
    MartialAngel Posts: 64 Member
    I definitely agree. And I'm tired of being unhappy and depressed and tired all the time. I joined this looking for help in losing weight, but also looking for new friends, Maybe even other young moms in the area that biggest to hangout. I have absolutely no friends. My husband's friends are "friends of the family", of course, but I'm notifying Call Colton and see if he wants to go out for coffee. I need friends of my own that bring me up. I definitely need that support system. And part of the reason I don't have any friends is because I don't have a vehicle to get out anywhere. We have one car, and my husband takes it to work. I'm hoping to find new friendsthat will help support me through this. I have found that new hobbies help some. I evenly started makingmyown perfume. It takes a few minutes out of the day, and it's really easy. But it's something I enjoy that I can find time to do for myself. Just a word of advice. Find a couple of quick hobbies. Take 10 minutes out of the day for yourself and read a book, or make some jewelry. :)
  • preslyann50
    preslyann50 Posts: 114 Member
    I feel the same. When I moved to where I am now I was only knows as "so/so mom, daughterinlaw or wife" that was it. No one knew me because my DH and his family are from here. It's hard. I was in nursing school and began to become "Shannon" again but then I injured my back and had to leave and now I am back in the SAHM routine and it gets sad sometimes lol. I love my kids but sometimes I just wish I had more "not being a mommy time."

    EDIT: I'ma young mom as well. I'm 26 and had my first son at 21 and second at 23. Plus side is both my kids will be out of the house by 42 and 40's in the new 30 right?! lol
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I lost sight of who I was a LONG time ago. Working out and changing my perceptions about myself has helped me start to find myself again, and being here on MFP has been a great tool in that!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you feel similar. I have two kids and I'm in this for the long haul. I want to be ME again, and not just a housewife and a mother. Because I know I'm awesome (somewhere under all that fat...)
  • Lizzy0509
    Wow! I know exacly how you feel!! I am a stay at home mom of a 6 yr old, a 3 yr old and my step daughter who is 10 and has mental illness. Its very hard to do anything for myself. I love being a mom more then anything, but you do forget who you are. I am trying also to focus on myself a little more. Good Luck on your journey! : )