KristinaL Posts: 41
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys I've been sick for the last few days and I just have absolutely no energy at all... I cant exercise.. and I'm doing my best to eat but its so hard to swallow my food ... do u think this will effect my weight loss.. I mean first of all I'm going to try and eat around 750ish cals...( I went ahead a pre planned my food diary, and thats what it came to) and I should be eating 1200 cals.. so really I would be putting myself in STARVATION MODE!!!! Also I'm just too weak to exercise ... so what are your opinions .. will this keep me from loosing weight... or slow me down. .. or will I not even notice a difference??? I'm so worried about all the hard work and time I've already put into this will just shoot right down hill and then it will just make me want to give up... PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!


  • jenjen84
    jenjen84 Posts: 117 Member
    I really think you should be eating at least 1200 if not higher, you are sick and your body needs the fuel to help you get better! I think that you need to eat some good healthy food and rest! If you go a little over your normal calories, that;s ok because your sick!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    1.) Get better- don't stress too much about calories for right now, just make sensible choices until you're feeling better. Feeling better is your #1 priority right now- not weight loss.

    2.) If you're truly concerned that you aren't getting enough calories in you, try eating high calorie foods (but still healthy)- crackers with peanut butter, for example.

    I hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • I hear ya! When I'm sick all I can manage to eat is crackers and juice. (Remember to drink lots of fluids). I usually lose a lot of weight (like 5 lbs.) but then when I'm better again I gain it back. Don't worry about it just focus on getting better!
  • Listen to your body. By stressing about calories your only adding more stress to your body. If you can get some liquid calories in, in addition to whatever you can eat, thats a plus. But don't worry about starvation mode over a few days of being sick.

    I had surgery a few weeks ago and could not eat solid foods for a while. I got less than 900 calories a day for almost 2 weeks. Several days, especially in the beginning, all I could get down was water and 400-500 calories in soup or shakes. Guess what. I did not suffer any starvation mode and my doctors were not worried about it. I still lost weight as well and now I'm eating normally again and no I did not gain any weight back, I'm still losing.

    My point is. When you are sick you need to focus on nourishing your body the best you can. If you can't workout or eat 1200 calories for a couple days, fine. Just make sure you are HYDRATED! The more you focus on getting better, the quicker you will get better. If you worry about losing weight while your sick, chances are, its going to take your body longer to recover because it has to fight you as you work against it. Try some supplements and immune boosting teas and work WITH your body.

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    I wouldnt even think about that....People usually loose weight when their sick anyway so consider it a plus. It's water that you loose mostly.

    Seriously though....All you need is:

    :heart: Lots of Rest
    :heart: Chicken Soup
    :heart: Soda Crackers
    :heart: Liquids
    :heart: Sleep

    You'll be better before you know it and the scale will have gone down:drinker: That's what happends in our neck of the woods. Feel better:flowerforyou:
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Listen to your body. By stressing about calories your only adding more stress to your body. If you can get some liquid calories in, in addition to whatever you can eat, thats a plus. But don't worry about starvation mode over a few days of being sick.

    I had surgery a few weeks ago and could not eat solid foods for a while. I got less than 900 calories a day for almost 2 weeks. Several days, especially in the beginning, all I could get down was water and 400-500 calories in soup or shakes. Guess what. I did not suffer any starvation mode and my doctors were not worried about it. I still lost weight as well and now I'm eating normally again and no I did not gain any weight back, I'm still losing.

    My point is. When you are sick you need to focus on nourishing your body the best you can. If you can't workout or eat 1200 calories for a couple days, fine. Just make sure you are HYDRATED! The more you focus on getting better, the quicker you will get better. If you worry about losing weight while your sick, chances are, its going to take your body longer to recover because it has to fight you as you work against it. Try some supplements and immune boosting teas and work WITH your body.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Well said!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I wouldnt even think about that....People usually loose weight when their sick anyway so consider it a plus. It's water that you loose mostly.

    Seriously though....All you need is:

    :heart: Lots of Rest
    :heart: Chicken Soup
    :heart: Soda Crackers
    :heart: Liquids
    :heart: Sleep

    You'll be better before you know it and the scale will have gone down:drinker: That's what happends in our neck of the woods. Feel better:flowerforyou:

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^what she said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    I was sick for 10 days. Lost 3 pounds, gained back 2............only ate what I could each day. The body will retain fluids to protect your worries! LOTS of water........I even heated my water with lemon and was good and soothed my throat.

    Hope you feel better quick honey:flowerforyou:
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I got a really bad sinus infection almost 2 weeks ago, and today I took my last antibiotic and . . . I have a terrible toothache - dentist Monday! I'm really bummed because I haven't regained the energy to workout, and now I may have to have a root canal. But I've just tried to eat as healthy as possible, and I still feel like I'm on the program and ready to pick it up as soon as my body is able. Get plenty of rest and keep drinking water. The rest will work out when it's time. Feel better soon!
  • Thank you to all of you for helping and guiding me through this ... I guess I cant expect too much from my body... So I need to just worry about getting better for right now.. Thanks again!!
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    I agree with all of the advice given to you! Try to make sure that when you do choose to eat something, you're getting in nutritious food and plenty of fluids. Don't worry about the calorie intake or working out, just worry about getting better! I have a really bad cold right now too, and have hardly exercised at all this week. You'll get better faster by just focusing on recovering. If you still want to feel like you're doing something, I suggest some easy stretching. It might even relax your body and loosen you up a bit ( I know my body gets really achy when I'm sick ). Get well soon, get extra rest, and try not to think about the calorie counting and sweaty workouts. Feel better girl! :flowerforyou:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I had a stomach virus a few weeks ago. I was able to get my cals in with soup and crackers. I was actually pretty surprised at how easy it was. Ginger ale is good when your stomach is bad. You could probably supplement your cals with that.
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