why do you eat the way you do?



  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    My number one priority for food choice is health. Number two priority is calorie balance. I aim for high nutrient value, high anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory foods, high quality mono/poly-unsaturated fats, no added sugars (I'm fine with fruit/berry sugars) and try to avoid man-made additives. I react pretty severely to both casein in milk and gluten in wheat, so finally learned to keep away from those. But I find plenty to eat anyway, lol.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    omg yessss...the diet I have been looking for..\o/ What do you call it? :p Do you have research to back it up? Does Dr. Oz support it? Can I fit it in my 1200 calories? Will I gain muscle? ..*chuckles*


    double yes

  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I don't really follow a certain thing, besides eating at a deficit. I try to eat a balanced diet with a variety of foods, some more healthy than others. I try to eat a lot of vegetables, meat, including red meat, fruit, whole grains, eggs, dairy, nuts, fish...etc. I also still eat some processed foods, I eat fast food once or twice a week, and go out for dinner at restaurant 2 or 3 times a month. I don't cut anything out completely. I don't have cheat days. I just make much better choices than I used to, fit "treats" into my regular daily eating while still focusing on an overall healthier diet. I understand health-wise, it's probably better to eat "cleaner" than I do, but as for my own personal weight loss, I know I have to find something that I can sustain long term. For me, that can't include restricting foods or food groups. This has worked well for me, have lost 35 pounds in 2 months while still eating 2000+ calories a day, and not having to obsess too much about everything I eat. I am mindful of what I eat, and try to just maintain balance with what I choose to eat each day. All I know is I feel a million times better than when I used to eat a diet of almost exclusively fast food and junk food.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What type of diet (healthy eating lifestyle-paleo, low carb, high protein, TDEE, vegan, etc etc.) do you use and what made you choose it. Why did it sound appealing?

    My diet is flexible, which is what makes it appealing. I need flexibility, and I have never been the type of person to fall for the latest fad anyway. I basically figured out how many calories I need to lose weight, then how much protein I need, and calculated my macronutrient ratio from that. (50/20/30)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I do pizza, burgers, steaks, McDonalds, Wendys, KFC, Taco Bell and Ben and Jerrys. Every day. I eat this way because this is food I enjoy, it's inexpensive, and I can lose weight eating them.

    I wish I could fit all that in my food budget. I can't afford to eat fast food, even if I wanted it. It sucks to be broke. :laugh:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member

    The biggest problem for me was ending up easily under-eating for the amount being done. And inadvertently losing LBM or performance suffers or metabolism slows.

    Yep that was my problem too. Not knowing how much to eat in order to maintain my level of activity. I currently have my TDEE at sedentary and just log all my workouts and walks and I find that this works for me as I've been maintaining for two years now.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i'm about 2 months away from my 1 year anniversary being committed to develop healthy eating habits

    what has been my main eating style has been what's convenient. so i ate out A LOT. this past year i've been more committed to making 90% of my meals at home than necessarily worrying about the calorie count. i havent lost as much as some people who've been at this a year, but i'll take 20-30 pound loss, 5 pant size loss in exchange for learning more about cooking for myself which this time last year i couldnt do because i didnt have dishes much less pots and pans :laugh:

    in terms of food, my diet is flexible. i've been learning to cook all my favorite take out stuff. i pretty much follow a balanced diet where anything is allowed, but i do try to make sure the majority of my meals contain good lean protein and fresh fruits and veggies.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    What type of diet (healthy eating lifestyle-paleo, low carb, high protein, TDEE, vegan, etc etc.) do you use and what made you choose it. Why did it sound appealing?

    Primary goal is nutrition secondary is weight management, currently working on the Smarter Science of Slim. It appealed because it has a huge amount in common with what I used to do when I was incredibly healthy and energetic, and the basis of what I teach my nutrition clients. This is turn was my own plan based on published research.