What did you do?



  • Ewaldt
    Ewaldt Posts: 106 Member
    Let go a little! If you don't want to do super intense exercise, don't! If you can keep your diary in check, and still go out on walks and such, you will still be losing weight and getting healthier! And then, when something sparks you into wanting to push yourself again, do it! But if you are constantly doing things you don't want to do, you will never stick with it. They say that what you eat is like 80% of your weightloss success, so focus on eating well, get little workouts in when you can, and don't worry about pushing it too hard until you have regained the motivation to do so! This is a LIFE change, which means that you have to find a way to make it fit into YOUR LIFE so that it becomes something natural that you can stick to. And googling/pinning/stumbling "motivational fitness quotes" is ALWAYS helpful!

    Also, I HIGHLY suggest going out and buying a REALLY cute outfit that should fit when you lose 10 or 20 more lbs and then every time you get discouraged, you can look at that outfit and realize that if you stick to this, you can be wearing it in a month or two!

    And, my personal favorite: Put pictures of 'healthy' women all over your house. Especially of the parts that you want the most. For example: I want a good midsection (stomach, hips, waist) and I LOVE jeans, so I have pictures of women with great midsections wearing jeans that I love and I put them around my house so I can see them and know that THAT is what I am fighting for, being healthy.

    And lastly, make a list of all of the people that you want to see your success, and of all of the things that you want to accomplish when you hit your goals that you can not do right now because your current fitness level doesn't allow you to do them!

    And playing latin music always works, because you can't help but dance!! :drinker:
  • StephG1130
    StephG1130 Posts: 99 Member
    Let go a little! If you don't want to do super intense exercise, don't! If you can keep your diary in check, and still go out on walks and such, you will still be losing weight and getting healthier! And then, when something sparks you into wanting to push yourself again, do it! But if you are constantly doing things you don't want to do, you will never stick with it. They say that what you eat is like 80% of your weightloss success, so focus on eating well, get little workouts in when you can, and don't worry about pushing it too hard until you have regained the motivation to do so! This is a LIFE change, which means that you have to find a way to make it fit into YOUR LIFE so that it becomes something natural that you can stick to. And googling/pinning/stumbling "motivational fitness quotes" is ALWAYS helpful!

    Also, I HIGHLY suggest going out and buying a REALLY cute outfit that should fit when you lose 10 or 20 more lbs and then every time you get discouraged, you can look at that outfit and realize that if you stick to this, you can be wearing it in a month or two!

    And, my personal favorite: Put pictures of 'healthy' women all over your house. Especially of the parts that you want the most. For example: I want a good midsection (stomach, hips, waist) and I LOVE jeans, so I have pictures of women with great midsections wearing jeans that I love and I put them around my house so I can see them and know that THAT is what I am fighting for, being healthy.

    And lastly, make a list of all of the people that you want to see your success, and of all of the things that you want to accomplish when you hit your goals that you can not do right now because your current fitness level doesn't allow you to do them!

    And playing latin music always works, because you can't help but dance!! :drinker:

    I now plan to do every single one of these! Thank you so much!!! What great ideas!!!
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I remember my mom used to tell me, "lose the weight while you're young as it only gets harder the older you get." The 45 year old me wishes I could go back and tell the 25 year old me to lose the weight. My only regret is not doing it sooner. I once gave up. A few years ago I lost over 100 pounds, I was part of a main feature article in Prevention Magazine and I gained it all back. I quit. Then I watched my mom have health problems from being over weight, then she died of a cancer that could have been avoided had she not been over weight. I told myself I wasn't going to put my kids through the horrible pain of losing their mom that I was, and still am, going through. Do this not just for you, but for your little girl. Be a role model for her so she won't have this same battle one day.