Phentermine and Weighloss



  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I was totally compulsive and could not make myself stop doing things. I had to force myself to eat because food didn't sound or taste good to me. And there was this sensation that I can't describe well where I just didn't want anything to touch me. I felt raw and everything that touched me hurt. Even my clothes felt scratchy. I was generally miserable.

    Understand that feeling. I knew I was about to rip someone's head off, didn't want to, but had absolutely no control over my rage. Also remember now that you mentioned something similar, I felt like I had bugs crawling on me or that my skin was crawling.

    Oh yikes, I'm glad I've been forward about the side effect then.
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    plateau for a year and half.. no luck with phenteramine.. insomina, irritable, increased heart rate
  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    PLEASE try this again the natural way! NO DRUGS!!! Diet and exercise and MFP logging DO work. It is just HARD work. Drugs are a 'quick' easy fix and the weight almost always comes back. Please don't risk your health by taking a drug to lose weight. I have lost 82 lbs with no drugs, only diet and exercise, in 5 1/2 months. It can be done. It is HARD. But if you do the right things, you don't need drugs.
  • mwbulechek
    mwbulechek Posts: 162 Member
    My doctor had me on it a couple of years ago. I had no ill effects at all on it, if you are old enough to remember the Dexitrim that actually worked, it has the same effects. I had lost 25 pounds very quickly, however my doctor had moved to another state and the new Doc would not re-prescribe it to me. and I gained back all the weight that I lost.
  • mommatimes4
    mommatimes4 Posts: 12 Member
    My doctor prescribed it for me, & in the first week, I dropped 10 lbs. Sounds drastic, doesn't it? Well, I had to call my doctor because I was having chest pains, left arm was hurting, & I was trying to sick. The office asked if I could go in right then. I did, and I had an EKG, and he told me that it was like I was starving, and running on a treadmill. I cannot remember the exact term written down that was my diagnosis after he read the EKG results, but it had adverse affects on me, and he did not recommend it for me anymore. He wouldn't even lower my dose, or anything.

    My brother-in-law was also taking it, and another friend of mine. They both passed out while using Phentermine. One stopped the medicine, and all the weight that was lost has returned....My sister-in-law took it, and she didn't have any reactions....

    My doctor originally told me, "Eat less, move more, and you will lose weight." (It has to be safer than Phentermine!)
  • Garnetbaby83
    I tok it and was losing about 2- 3 lbs a week for 3 months. Bad thing was all the doctors appointments to monitor blood pressure and such. However, after 3 month my blood pressure started rsing and had terrible headaches. My advice is be careful, keep stress levels low and if you start to not feel right then come off of it. But it is something to help boost your metabolism to lose weight.
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    I just have to tell you that a friend of mine was on it and lost a tremendous amount of weight! She had a Cardiac Arrest while driving Christmas Eve years ago and flipped her car over an embankment , landed at the bottom. and her veiwing was closed casket..if I may suggest ANYTHING, PLEASE reconsider. If you do research on the drug, it can lead to heart problems and even death. Lose weight the old fashioned way like many others have!:heart:
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    My doctor prescribed it for me this summer because I hit a plateau and just could not get the scale (or measuring tape) to budge. I took half a pill a day for 60 days. I lost 5-6 pounds. It's not a lot but it was enough to get my motivation back up. I kept up with my healthy habits after I went off it and kept losing.
    I would not take it for any longer than a month or two. And use that time to really work on your habits so you don't regain.
  • KourtneyP83
    I used it and it was successful for me though my doctor said most people gain the weight back. She prescribed it and sent me to a nutritionist and it was to help learn to eat smaller meals when I first started counting calories. She prescribed it for 3 months and by the end of the 3 months I had learned to do just that. I will not attribute my entire weight loss to it because I have worked hard for every pound I've lost. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about taking it. I did not have any side effects from it that others are talking about personally. Good luck with whatever you choose!
  • mommatimes4
    mommatimes4 Posts: 12 Member
    My doctor prescribed it for me, & in the first week, I dropped 10 lbs. Sounds drastic, doesn't it? Well, I had to call my doctor because I was having chest pains, left arm was hurting, & I was trying to sick. The office asked if I could go in right then. I did, and I had an EKG, and he told me that it was like I was starving, and running on a treadmill. I cannot remember the exact term written down that was my diagnosis after he read the EKG results, but it had adverse affects on me, and he did not recommend it for me anymore. He wouldn't even lower my dose, or anything.

    My brother-in-law was also taking it, and another friend of mine. They both passed out while using Phentermine. One stopped the medicine, and all the weight that was lost has returned....My sister-in-law took it, and she didn't have any reactions....

    My doctor originally told me, "Eat less, move more, and you will lose weight." (It has to be safer than Phentermine!)

    I also required less sleep while taking it. I had a lot of energy at first. Then, the adverse reactions...
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I took it for a month or so to jump start weight-loss and form good exercise habits. What I found was that I enjoyed the energy to do 2x per day workouts and I had a ton of stamina.

    I stopped taking it a couple months ago, as I wanted to continue my journey 100% on my own. I wasn't interested in using phentermine as a crutch or possibly becoming addicted.

    No problems or issues here.... sleep was fine, no irregular heartbeat. I did get wicked dry mouth, but always had plenty of water...

    For what it's worth....I'd do it over again in a heartbeat.
  • FlipFlopLaura
    Yes, I highly recommend it! I lost 35 pounds in 8 months. Never made me jittery at all. No side effects like other diet pills. My doctor was so satisfied with my weight loss that he lowered my blood pressure medication! Now I am going to try this program as well. My only suggestion is to take it as soon as you wake up! Taking it to late in the morning will prevent you from going to sleep at a normal hour at night. But trust will actually feel like doing things you haven't felt like doing in years! Good Luck!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    It's really good to hear there's some success storys mixed in with the horror ones LOL
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    I took it before and it did help.I had TONS of energy to do things around the house.Actually,taking it made me think that I might need antidepressant meds because I felt more human while on it...Sometimes I was sad for no reason at all,but I never felt like that while on the Phen.

    I did have HORRIBLE Cotton mouth and had water around at all times even in the middle of the night.

    Some foods that I normally liked were gross to me like chocolate and rice.

    I got full really fast when I did eat.

    It did give me a racing heart once and I cut my dosage in half.

    Overall,I think that its a good tool if you are in good health before taking it.If anyone gets it from a DR. that does Not make you have an EKG and Blood work done BEFORE prescribing the Med I would probably get another Dr. You don't want to have any underlying issues and then take this type of med.
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    It gave me all sorts of energy for the first two to three days....then nothing. I've tried it three separate times. Lifting heavy is my magic pill now. :)
  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
    I lost about 50lbs taking them over the course of 3 months but after stop taking them, I became extremely hungry and could not control it. I actually gained back all plus an additional 10lbs. I've tried a 2nd time years later and same thing. I do better just eating healthy and working out. Let me knw how it works for u.
  • sassynurse78
    I started using MFP in March of this year. I used it faithfully and had results of about 40 lbs. I recently started Adipex and it has really helped me! I think it can be done healthy and if done right you can use it without the negative, like changing your habits. I have changed my habits dramatically with the help of the medication. This Thurs will mark three months and 18 lbs. since I started it. Some might say it is unhealthy, it's speed, etc. I guess if you use it against what it should be used for it is just like anything else it can be dangerous and addictive. I mean even Tylenol can be dangerous if you use too much. I feel like instead of climbing an uphill battle I am finally on an even field. The main thing I noticed was how it changed my mood along with my appetite, I have more motivation to get up and do something, my house is amazingly clean, and I do not crave certain foods. I can eat just about anything and I no longer think about what I can't have. I watch my servings and it has changed my habits of piling a plate up with multiple servings and then being hungry later because I am out of calories for the day. Most doctors seem to only prescribe it for three months and usually at lower doses then you can even prescribe it. I often skip the pill now and realize only at bedtime that I have, but the cravings and changed habits stay. Just as I often don't need to log my foods some days because I have learned to eat better. I have enough to take two pills a day if I need them, I usually only take a half to one 100 mg tablet. I hope all the neg posts about it will not scare you, just follow the directions and be aware of what your body tells you. I have had no side effects, it did not even raise my pulse or blood pressure. Personally I believe the chance of side effects outweighs the positive impacts losing weight will have on your body. The meds is just like any other tool it will work if you do the work, but if you do the work without the meds, that works to. Personally they help me do the work a little bit easier, and any help is greatly appreciated when life throws so much at us.
  • SouthernSweetie74
    It affects everyone differently. I love it and love how I feel on phentermine. I went to a weight loss clinic in April and was prescribed phentermine, but before my doc gave it to me, he did all kinds of blood work and an EKG. I go back once a month. I stopped going to the clinic for awhile because I got sick and had some issues in personal life that prevented me from going. I was able to maintain. Today, was the first day in four months that I have taken a phentermine pill, and I feel better today than I've felt in a long time. I have had more energy; I'm able to stay focused and organized and get things done. I actually feel like I can think clearer when I'm on it. It helps keep me focused instead of scatterbrained like I normally am.

    My suggestions? Drink LOTS of water. Exercise. Make healthy choices and change your eating habits so that when you do go off of it, you will not gain back. And if you do start feeling the negative side effects, just stop taking it.

    The downfalls for me? Dry mouth. And... it makes me really super horny. And I'm single... so, yes, it's a downfall... lol
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    I was working out a LOT and watching everything I ate, but I couldn't get my food intake under complete control. I would do perfectly for a week then fall into a binge. Then do fine for 2 weeks and over eat for a week. etc. I gained a lot of muscle and I ate really healthy, but the ups and downs in calories kept me from losing.

    I kept track of everything and saw my doctor once a month for 4 months while trying it the "natural" way. She then suggested Phentermine. I have been on it for almost 70 days but I still have several days of my 30 day supply left. I started out taking half a pill every other day. Then not at all for a week or so. Then half a pill every few days etc. I have actually lost almost 25lbs, but my tracker doesn't include all the weight I gained when I started working out more.

    When you take it so sparingly the side effects aren't noticable. I drink a lot of water anyway, but recommend lemon water if your mouth gets dry.

    What has it done for me? My body is comfortable with being mildly hungry. What I mean by that is I was feeling so deprived when I started trying to lose weight that my body would almost panic if I got a little hungry. Thus over eating and binge eating. I use to feel like something was wrong if I wasn't stuffed. Now I am ok if it isn't meal time and my body knows that the small portion in front of me really will fill me up. No more panic. No more emotinal eating. I imagine I have "shrunk" my stomach and also trained my mind so as to be able to "eat to live" not "live to eat".

    I am not done with my weight loss goals, but they actually feel possible now. I don't feel insane trying to lose weight only to stay the same or gain every week. I can actually eat healthy and workout and see progress and it is amazing.
  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    Reading these replies again and bringing up bad memories, yep, my blood pressure went up on it. Normally mine is on the low side, it was borderline high on the drug.