Just one of the boys....

I wouldn't say that I am overweight, but I do need to lose some weight. I have always been seen as "one of the boys." I am the girl that guys seem to look over when they meet my "hotter" friend. I don't want that anymore. I want to make a change with my diet and exercise and stick to it.


  • TwentyTen
    Welcome. You will find everything you need here to do just that! Glad you could join us.
  • SimonACousins
    SimonACousins Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome to an awesome web site that has helped me shed pounds. Remember that "hotter" is very very subjective. ;)
  • lydiabeth4
    Oh my goodness, girl. That is the story of my life...exactly!
    Just know you are not alone! And we can beat this! =)
    Good Luck!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Well that ain't right because you are certainly a hottie yourself! But welcome and good luck to you on your challenge.
  • nroesler
    It sounds to me like you are doing this for the right reasons; because you want to! Maybe I am being sentimental because the stupid Hallmark holiday Valentine's Day is right around the corner but I need to say - There is always going to be someone "hotter" or thinner, all you can do is be the best you that you can be!

    Ok, glad to get that out of my system! But, seriously welcome to mfp we are always here for support! Pretty soon your "hotter" friends are going to have to step their game up to keep up with you!!