Saving workout calories?

Does anyone save their #Workout #calories ? Like I burnt 500 today and will only track 300 on #mfp. Save 200 a day I don't workout? There will be some days over the next two weeks I can't work out so I want to still be allowed more cals! Love to know your thoughts!


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • bb_tiu
    bb_tiu Posts: 24
    Haha... Care to elaborate?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I don't workout to eat food. I eat food to live, build, maintain or cut. I work out to get into shape. If I'm under calories one day, so be it. If I'm over calories so be it.

    When I start mixing the two, my progress slows. All the time I see people working out to earn food. Want a slice of cake, take a walk. Eat a donut, go do zumba. No. Just no. Work out enough to force your body to make the changes you desire. Exercise for progress, not for food.

    Some days you will be over. Some under. It will average out. Don't stall your progress by trying figure out ways to get extra food in the future. It corrupts the process