I could always use some friends

Hey everybody, it's yet another newbie!

I just turned 28 on November 9th. I live with my mom and her boyfriend on the central coast of California. I'm a 3D animation graduate currently working on my demo reel (without it I can't get a job). I plan on going into medical 3D modeling.

A little back history about me, I was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome when I was 13 and have dealt with yo yoing weight ever since. I've never been too worried about it as long as I was under my high of 160 pounds (I'm 5'3) and have been as low as 127 pounds. I've always been very sedentary. Back in late December 2010 I had my gallbladder removed. I'm a walking success story for the surgery, I have no side effects and can eat whatever I want. By early 2012 I had gained about 40 pounds when I went to the doctor, who gave me a bunch of blood work to do.

This year has been crazy. My grandmother died, my mother and her boyfriend have dealt with some serious health problems, he moved in, and my cat almost died. So while I should have tended to myself, I didn't get around to doing blood work until October. I found out I've gained an additional 10 pounds, but that I'm perfectly healthy. All the tests came back with ideal results.

Around June my lower legs and feet started swelling. Taking up on my doctor's advice after the ultra sound in my left leg (which I was getting pain in my calf) came back clear of blood clots on November 1st, I started walking (a very fast almost jog) 15 minutes a day. Additional tests for my kidneys and heart showed up normal, and by my birthday the swelling went down dramatically. I upped my walk to 45 minutes and noticed a message in front of the local gym on a three month special deal for Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving for those of you not in the U.S.) and joined.

On December 3rd I went to my doctor again. When I went to the gynecologist on November 26th I weighed 196, the same as it was on November 1st (not bad considering my birthday and Thanksgiving), and was assuming it would be the same for this visit. I lost 2 pounds. I'm more happy with some of the changes I've been noticing, in addition to being able to fit my shoes comfortably again, I feel a tightening of my muscles in my legs and abdomen (my doctor said this was okay and just my muscles working but to keep an eye on them), and I have a lot more energy. I'm normally very lethargic. My doctor even commented that he noticed I was much more energetic and less depressed I seem.

December 5th was my day at the gym and meeting the personal trainer. We came up with a fitness plan and I'm lifting weights for the first time in my life.

A family friend is getting married in September and I have a personal project I'd like to do around that time. I want to lose between 70-75 pounds putting me at 125-120 and am hoping to lose most of it around that time.

Feel free to friend me. I'm looking forward to seeing where this journey will take us.


  • MartialAngel
    MartialAngel Posts: 64 Member
    Wow! That is a lot to go through! I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers! Nothing I have gone through is quite that major. However I am a fairly new mother. I'm 22 and have a 1 year old baby girl, Gabriel Lynne. I stay home and take care of her, and haven't really had any friends since leaving high school. I'm currently weight in at 188 lbs and Would like to get down to 130, hopefully by June. My 2nd wedding anniversary is in June, and since we never got a honeymoon, my husband and I are considering taking a trip to a huge water park. I'd like to be able to look great in a swimsuit again. I definitely need a support system. I have tried SEVERAL diets and nothing has worked. I Can't really leave the house to exercise because I have no vehicle and I'd have to bring my daughter with me. We also don't have the financial ability to pay for a gym membership or a personal trainer. I am definitely look for friends and a good support system so feel free to add me!