Stopped Workout and LOST Weight?!?!



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hate to pop ur bubble, but the 1st few lbs lost would definitely be muscle.

    No need for that! Certainly not in 5 days!

    According to my spine surgeon, it only takes 2-3 days for muscle atrophy to begin..

    Ha, and it goes VERY slowly.

    According to tests done on lifters that are out of action for 3 to 6 months, a vast majority after just a few sessions are with 10% of their previous lifting weights. They didn't gain muscle that fast, they just never lost it.

    You lose aerobic capacity in about 2 weeks, I believe I've seen referenced 50% in that time.
    Compared to 9 months for lifting to lose 50% of your strength.

    Now, that's not in a bed in a coma for either of those, but normal daily activity with no exercise at previous level. Coma or non-moving will be much worse.
    But it still starts out very slowly.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    A few people mentioned increasing my calories. My actual daily intake is 1380, is that really that low? That is what MFP told me to use with a setting of 1 lb / week

    Do you have anything to actually compare 1380 to except the 1200 minimum for safety reasons you see?

    Oh, and with less stress that week, I'll bet your body was finally willing to burn some fat, probably not that whole 1 lb, but some.

    So when you start exercising again, it should go up.

    That means pick a valid weigh-in day, morning after a rest day where you ate normal sodium meals, and you aren't still sore retaining water.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    well if you really stopped working out altogether then its pretty certain that at least some of it was muscule
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    well if you really stopped working out altogether then its pretty certain that at least some of it was muscule

    After 5 days???
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    OH, did realize that part.

    5 days is probably pretty quick to actually see it show up on the scale.

    but muscle is supposed to start losing the compacity to do work after 3 days of inactivity, so perhaps a little but not enough to be showing up as pounds off on the scale lol
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate all of the positive and very helpful feedback!!

    I drink about 80 - 100 oz of water a day (22oz water bottle that I drink throughout the day, 4 - 5 refills) and no other liquids except my 1 morning cup of coffee. I doubt I need to increase my water intake, because at 80 ounces I'm using the bathroom about every 90 minutes. As a teacher, I don't have the ability to leave my classroom except between class periods.

    There is no way my muscles actually started to ATROPHY in the 5 days. I spend all day on my feet anyway, it wasn't as if I was immobilized.

    I appreciate the reminders about weight loss not being linear, and it is probably the water weight my muscles have been storing. Or just my body saying "hey, thanks for finally NOT killing me. . . " :)

    A few people mentioned increasing my calories. My actual daily intake is 1380, is that really that low? That is what MFP told me to use with a setting of 1 lb / week

    You do not have much to lose so I would suggest dropping that to 1/2lb a week now.

    And to expand on this, not only should the account be set to 1/2 lb per week, it should also be set to lightly active since the OP is a teacher.