Need something that works!!!

Ok so here's the thing I've been working out the past week almost everyday n I've been staying right around my calorie goal. Anyways I haven't lost any weight and its driving me crazy!!!!! I almost wanna give up :( so if anyone knows of any real good diets that work super well please lemme know!!! Also I'm thinking about getting a work out DVD to exercise to so if you guys know any good work out DVDs that'd also be cool if you would let me know :) please and thank you!


  • It took alomost 3 weeks for me to lose my first 2 pounds. It was very frustrating because I was staying under my calorie goal AND working out 5 days a week. It's healthier to lose it slowy, so be patient. Before you go spending your money on a dvd,there are tons of free workout videos on youtube... :)
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    A whole week huh? I see your frustration.

    I found drinking more water and eating more protein helped me, but each to their own.

    Also, forget the word diet - this is a lifestyle change. You don't want the weight coming back.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    My advice is to keep at it! Make sure you are weighing and measuring your food so you are getting correct portion sizes.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    open your diary
  • Alright I'll be patient but I just want it to just come off already!! N ok ima check out them YouTube videos! Thanks for the info :)
  • Sailatsorf
    Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
    Drink plenty of water, keep plugging away at it, and if you're only watching calories and not caring about the rest, well... start caring. Keep under on those carbs, fats, saturated fats, and even sodium. Good luck!
  • I just started juicing my fruits and vegetables and have lost 6 lbs in 5 days. I have cut my caloric intake by at least half. Im no hungry anymore. I eat food in between my juices for the fiber.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Calorie deficit + time = weightloss. It's the only thing that works.

    Eat now like you're going to eat for the rest of your life. Exercise/lift weights for body composition.

    Don't expect weight loss when YOU want it. Your body will adjust as it seems fit. The scale is only going to show you trending. You can't expect the "truth" from the scale. Water retention, among many other things will adjust what the scale says...but it doesn't always give a true representation of fat loss. Measure your body, how your clothes fit, and over all how you feel about yourself.
  • It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing. It takes 8 weeks for friends and family, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Keep going!
  • AmesMc1972
    AmesMc1972 Posts: 194 Member
    Calorie deficit + time = weightloss. It's the only thing that works.

    Eat now like you're going to eat for the rest of your life. Exercise/lift weights for body composition.

    Don't expect weight loss when YOU want it. Your body will adjust as it seems fit. The scale is only going to show you trending. You can't expect the "truth" from the scale. Water retention, among many other things will adjust what the scale says...but it doesn't always give a true representation of fat loss. Measure your body, how your clothes fit, and over all how you feel about yourself.

    I needed to see this for myself. Thanks for posting!
  • angela9887
    angela9887 Posts: 26 Member
    Keep at it! you could be gaining muscle and losing fat at the same rate.