Fitting in exercise with a busy schedule?!?



  • rosebud12078
    rosebud12078 Posts: 14 Member
    I work 8 to 4:30 and now with it being dark early I can't go for my usual long walks. At the same time I don't want to stop excersing. So this is what I am doing for now until I think of something better. I get 40 minutes for lunch so I walk either 15 to 20 minutes on my lunch break then when I get out of work I walk another 15 so I get at least 30 minutes a day. This might be something you can try. :happy:
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    The hardest part is getting up and just doing it, tired or not. Maybe my story will give you a little motivation. It took me two years to actually get up off the couch, step away from the computer, and get moving. I used the "I don't have time" excuse and was convinced that was the case. I'd just had my second child, and I hadn't even lost weight from the first child, who was almost five by that time. I don't always have the best luck, so right after I had made the decision to get fit and had started working toward my goals, I found out I had cancer. Nothing like the fear of death to keep me motivated. I don't want to come off as morbid, but even when I was in chemo and sick, I found that getting up and exercising, moving and taking time to elevate my heart rate and clear my mind, helped me get through it and kept me from gaining the weight my oncologist told me I most certainly would gain from all the steroids and other drugs. I could have used cancer as an excuse for sitting and resting, but I didn't. Point is, you just have to do it, even if it sucks at first. It will eventually stop sucking, and you actually look forward to the time you spend working out.

    Best of luck!